Bash tells everyone to take a bathroom break and be back in five .I seen Rane go out the side door so I followed behind him.The big heavy door slamming behind him then slamming behind me."Rane" I whisper out his name.He turns around and looks at me"I know I fucked it all up V so just don't rub it in.Go live your life in the arms of your new boyfriend .I know I deserve it."He starts walking away I grab his arm and yank him back towards me.

"Damn it Rane listen to me my wolf is fucking pissed at you she is doing what she feels is necessary to protect our heart and I don't agree with her methods every thing she has shown you is nothing the way you think it is I can't explain it in five short minutes but I say You and me take a long walk after the meeting and talk thats the only way to clear the air.So do you agree we talk about it after the meeting ?"I smile my best smile at him.He returns one and we walk back in to the lodge the big heavy door slamming shut behind us.

Bash looks at me I nod my head at him.

"Alright wolfs back in a circle and link hands"I grab hold of Sebastian's hand and squeeze. He squeezes mine back Rane grabs my other hand and squeezes it .I just look over at him and give a slight grin.I hear my wolf saying adamantly"Our thoughts are not yours so keep your distance got it I am nowhere ready to forgive you."She abruptly shuts up with that being said.

"Ok Crescent moon pack You all know your legend right ?"He wastes no time and looks around making sure everyone is shaking there heads yes. "Well your dominaint couple from the pack is right now going thru their trial and tribulations they will emerge soon and save you all but my sister knows what kind of magic the wizard is using.She will be meeting with the women tonight before this ends so she can reverse the spell over all of you before your mating season starts. But if you all would like we would love to stay here in Bridgeport to offer our services.We have been wanderers on this Earth for far to long our parents died in a fire and all we had were each other skipping from one town to the next and we are tired and ready to settle down and after getting to know V we feel this is where we are needed.But we all need to make a pledge so repeat after me pack."Everyone looks up and shaking their heads in agreement. 

"Ok, So we the Crescent Moon Pack agree to Accept  these laws into our bylaws.We will protect our protecters and listen to them knowing they vow to keep us safe from harm and we promise to keep them from harm we welcome you into our family so we are all united and I am linked into your thoughts from this day forward.Now hold hands and don't break til after the chant is over" he squeezes my hand and starts chanting and getting louder with each word .I look over at him it was like he was having a seizure his body starts convulsing and he falls down out of it.

Luna runs over to him "The link is complete you can let go of hands now."I  ask Luna worried "Is Bash going to be ok ?"

"Yes V it is all your Packs ancestors linking with him so he can hear all there thoughts.He will come back to in a minute when it is finished."I watch him lying on the floor convulsing and my heart goes out to him so I sit down beside him placing his head in my lap and pushing his hair back from his eyes .His hair getting tangled in my fingers from its length.Moments later he comes to exhausted I help up to a chair with Rane's help.Luna starts working on her spells for the women of the pack .I ask Luna"Do I need the antidote ?"

"No V your Mate saved you when he knocked that drink out of your hand when you first got back to town."I look up at Rane "Thanks for saving me"

"Can we take that walk now V"He says caressing my face gently.I throw my car keys to Pops "I will make my way home Pops."Rane and me take off from there and take a walk down to the lake and decide to climb the Sierra mountain and  set out on the over look.He starts to talk and I stop him "Me first please"

Rane when I first came back to town I  knew what my life looked like I had been planning it since I was ten I had promised I would save the first I love you for my future husband my mom made me make a few promises before she walked out to go hunting which I thought was weird but through the years I have been thankful maybe she saved me from a lot of heartache. I was devastated that last night I was here before I left I hadn't realized I had fallen so hard for you but I could hear your thoughts perfectly clear Rane and I guess that was what broke me the most Rane I left to save us both from the pain.But my pain didn't go away it crippled me. 

Until I met Sam ,Chase his wife and kids and Evan her brother they all helped my heart heal and for that I am thankful .My wolf was taking things out of context showing you innocent moments that were never romantic or anything like that Rane all those people from the Smokies saved pieces of me.Something I don't understand is why would bobble head would make you promise all those things knowing her mate was out there.All I know is my heart has healed and I will protect it so much better in the near future.Meaning you may have been the first guy I told I love you to but I still have my innocence to offer him and I only hope he will understand he won't be the first person I spoke those words to.But I forgive you I know you were  only holding a promise."

He interrupts "V it was a promise I never should have made I put us both through pure hell and I am sorry for that.I have loved you since I was sixteen V.Remember in high school Sophmore year I kept asking you out and we dated and broke up I wanted to claim you then but I knew the dreams of college you had so I backed off but now nothing is in our way V."I stand up "Yes there is Rane "I start to walk off and he grabs me pinning me against the huge seqouia tree and kisses me passionately .That kiss sent sparks all through my bodyawakening me all over my body was filled with desire for him .I kissed him back fervently. But the next thing I know I am in wolf form running through the forest weaving in and out of trees and him chasing after me.I ran as hard as I could to get away from him my wolf saying"this is for the best." I stop at the creek to get a slurp of water when a noose grabs my neck and chokes my throat making me loose consciousness.  

Wolf Valley Saga: Coming HomeWhere stories live. Discover now