Chapter Two

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The So-So Lunch

"Her name is Stacey, but you already know that, Zack." Zeke was suddenly in the picture now and his voice was slightly less condescending than usual. "And she looks like she's about to cry. What's up, little girl? Why so upset?"

Before I needed to answer Melody asked if we could just head to lunch and everybody agreed. I got into the backseat and buckled myself in. Zeke was reprimanding Melody for getting kicked out of class as though he were in charge of her.

I rolled my eyes and looked out the window as my friend became increasingly embarrassed. Zachariah put on some country music in the truck and started talking about things I didn't have a clue about while Zeke agreed with him.

Melody sent me a text. An emoji with an explicit meaning. She giggled immaturely which made me laugh as well.

Spirits were finally lifted when we got to the restaurant.

"So, Anastasia, how are you enjoying Trinitaria?" Zachariah asked me.

I stopped dead in my tracks while getting out of the truck and looked at him. How did he get that name? It wasn't used on anything besides the medical records I gave to the school. He either knew my father or he'd snooped.

"It's Stacey." I glared at him before deciding my best option was to be civil. "So far, so good. I like my housemates- especially my roommate."

Melody smiled at me. The waitress came and took our orders quickly.

"How's football been?" Zeke asked the new guy.

"Pretty great. Have you spoken with Dad recently." Zachariah asked, proving they were brothers. "Any idea on how to go about... this?"

Zeke shrugged before looking at me and then Melody. I felt like there was still something I didn't know about. It was itching on me to just blurt it out but I could tell it was making Melody uncomfortable.

"Don't, Zeke. She's not gonna take it well." Melody blurted out suddenly. "Seriously, she won't like the idea of it and she's gonna want to leave."

"What are you talking about?" I spoke up finally. "I'm not really enjoying being left out seeing as I was asked to come."

Zachariah smirked.

"Let's go on a date." He said bluntly. "I think you're hot and I know you think I'm hot."

"What? No." I looked at him disturbed. "You've been nothing but rude to me."

"On the contrary, you haven't been polite, either." He bartered. "I'll take you out for dinner tonight and you can ask me any questions you have. After Melody explains things to you, of course."

This guy was being weird and way too blunt for my liking. I just wanted to eat and leave. I needed some Netflix and sleep. I glanced at my friend.

Melody's blonde bun looked tired from how much she was fiddling with her hair. The blouse and jeans she wore were tidy and put together. Very much her style, but her style did not match her personality. She was outgoing and spontaneous, which you'd never be able to tell by just looking at her.

Her eyes were glaring angrily at her boyfriend and his brother and looking nervously at myself. Something was off and I needed to figure it out.

"If no one's going to tell me what's going on, I'm going to leave." I threatened them.

"Please, don't!" Melody looked at me now. "They want me to explain something to you that I don't know if it will be a good idea."

"You'll stay exactly where you are." Zachariah spoke up now. "You don't know where we are and you'll just get yourself lost or on some Uber."

His face was sharp looking and his eyes were glaring into my own. I looked away first and heard him stifle a chuckle. My eyes shot daggers at him again and he simply rolled his eyes. The cockiness of this prick was almost unbearable.

He looked very similar to his brother, but he was clearly the hotter version... at least in my opinion. He was thin, but muscular with strong cheekbones and a matching jawline. Taller than his brother at maybe six feet and four inches with a head of curly hair. His brown eyes seemed to soften the sharpness of the rest of him.

"Okay. I don't know if you're going to know some of this or not, but as your roommate it's kinda like my job to tell you." Melody was rambling nervously now. "Basically there's this kind of dynamic most people at the school have for dating where the girl is submissive and the boyfriend is like, y'know, dominant. It's not super kinky like you hear about. Some people say it's biblical and stuff, but that's up to your own interpretation. Zack thinks you're cute and wants to date you, but only if you're gonna go along with this stuff. Mary, in our house doesn't, and most guys don't like her for it. But you don't have to! At all! It's up to you!"


"Woah." I said out loud.

That was a lot to process. Zack wanted to date me... but only if I submitted to him? What did I have to submit? Like an essay about him or something? I'd heard of really weird kids from high school doing stuff like this, but it was kind of... explicit.

I looked up to speak, before I was interrupted.

"Your parents do it. They're alumni of the school and your father was acquainted with ours." Zachariah told me.

"They do not!" I glared at him accusingly.

How dare he suggest my parents be something so dirty?!

"It's not a dirty thing." He explained quickly now. "Ever notice how your parents don't argue with each other? Or your mom doesn't make the final decisions and your dad does? How your dad can say almost anything and your mom will do it? Or how your dad is constantly making sure she's alright? Or how nobody has ever been to rude to you mom when he's around? It's stuff like that. It's not sexual or anything like that, it's just extremely traditional and it takes a bit of getting used to."

He wasn't wrong. My father made all the final decisions in our family. My mother did almost everything my father asked of her. He never asked too much, but he did manage to simply make a look in her direction that had her basically doing whatever he said. I'd never found it weird. Just always thought of them as very traditional. My father never swore and when my mother would she'd immediately apologize to my father.

It was simple things I'd chosen to see as extremely normal.

I nodded my head.

"So, one date can't be terrible then, can it?" He asked, smiling slightly.

"I guess not." I agreed.

"I'll pick you up at seven tonight then." He decided. "Wear something casual."

With that he dropped a check on the table and walked out. I suppose he had another ride on its way to pick him up.

Melody smiled at me apologetically while Zeke scrolled through his phone before we left.

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