Wait, what? That didn't make sense. "Why would I be jealous of Yeonjun--I mean, sure he is good looking and is currently getting more action than I am, but that doesn't mean that I am jealous of hi—"

"Not of him you bloody imbecile—"Okay, now Woobin really looked as if he was going to smash his skull in with his bare hands and Soobin pushed himself further into the couch.

"Maybe you are jealous, because you don't want Yeonjun to give that kind of attention to someone else. Maybe you are jealous because you actually like Yeonjun more as a friend and want that attention to be directed at you and not someone else!"

"Now that is simply ridiculous. I am not gay and—"

But then he stopped.

His first reaction definitely was a big no--he was straight. Always had been and never had looked at another guy that way, never felt the urge to do so.

But then his mind started to wander--he thought back to the moment he had first seen Yeonjun; he had noticed him right away--the bright hair, the extraordinary fashion style and the way his whole aura just screamed attention.

And his thoughts didn't just stop there--he hadn't freaked out when Yeonjun had touched his chest when they first tried to act like a couple, he hadn't freaked out when Yeonjun had hugged him tightly--hell, he had even thought about how nice Yeonjun smelled and that he was an excellent hugger.

Or the times they had ended up cuddling on the couch with Yeonjun pressed against his side with his face buried in his neck--or how he absolutely loved spending time with Yeonjun, too.

There had never been someone as extraordinary as Yeonjun before--never had someone just walked into his life that easily who he had been this comfortable with.

He also had to think back to how he had noticed Yeonjun's legs and how sweet he had thought it always was when Yeonjun kissed his cheek--and then he had to think back to all the times where he had felt sick.

The very first time had been when he had seen Yeonjun with his ex and he had stopped said asshole from assaulting Yeonjun.

The next time had been when that asshole dude had hit on him and he had simply grabbed Yeonjun, asking him to dance with him and Yeonjun had accepted.

After that it had been the time when he had seen Yeonjun with his current boy toy at the club, kissing him for the first time--it had felt like a punch in the gut and back then he had always thought it was because of the alcohol.

But now it made sense.

Now it finally made sense why he felt so sick when Yeonjun talked about fucking some other guy, or when he stayed away from their flat for a night. Now it finally made sense why he had reacted almost violently the two times Yeonjun's guy had been over.

It all made fucking sense, and everything hit him at once.

He liked Yeonjun.

He liked Yeonjun.

Fuck that, like wasn't strong enough.

The way he felt whenever Yeonjun was close to him was more than just like.

This was more than just a simply crush or infatuation--he was in love.

He was in love with a man and it scared the shit out of him.

Not because Yeonjun was a man, but because it was Yeonjun. The man who was now seeing someone else--the man who he lived with and who would most likely bring over his boyfriend often and there was no way he could deny Yeonjun that happiness.

"Hey, big guy--it's okay."

Just that it wasn't.

With helpless eyes he looked up at his friend. "Woobie, what should I do--he is seeing someone and, and I just —"

Woobin smiled at him sadly, sympathy written all across his face.

"I don't know Yeonjun well enough and I don't know how serious he is with that guy; I can only tell you that you two have a hell of a chemistry. It's cute and maybe there is more to it--but I know you by now pretty well and you will probably have a breakdown about all of this again during the next few days so here is my advice; take some time off to really think about this."

"Maybe talk to Yeonjun a bit, too--I am sure he is worried about you just leaving in the middle of the night like that. You don't have to tell him that you like him, but you can tell him that you have feelings for a man and that they confuse you--I'm sure he will help you with that a bit."

Soobin pushed the short strands of his hair out of his face and rubbed over his eyes--shit he felt exhausted. Maybe taking some time off really was the best idea.


Woobin smiled.

"Do you want to tell Harry, or should I do it?"

Soobin groaned. Harry was going to rip him a new one if he told him he would use some of his vacation days--but then again he had been the only one who had always stayed late during the past two months so Harry could go do all the work himself if he would throw a fit at him. "No worries, I will tell him."

"Alright--do you wanna crash here or do you want me to drive you home?"


WELLL, that's the chap you all waited for! Lemme know what you think now?? 

This curious cat is really nervous, bcz I don't even know if this turned out well...

Hope you liked it nevertheless!

Have a Happy day/ Sweet night ✨✨

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