Planet 1: Convolution

Start from the beginning

"I'm going to have to ask Histoire about that..." The woman said to herself.

She yawned, then looked down at her ripped up pajamas with cuts all over her body. She took off her pajama shirt and took a proper look at it.

It was covered in cute pictures of a small chibi girl with light purple hair but strangely, none of the cuts hit any of the pictures of the girl. The woman stared at it some more before looking at her pants and seeing the same thing.

The woman groaned, carefully opened her closet door again, and took out white sweatpants, a black shirt that had a fancy purple N with rings around it, and a big purple jacket with the same dark N symbol on its shoulders and around the heart area.

The woman took all the clothes into her bathroom, took a bottle of medicine called "Healing Grass" from behind the mirror, and drank it feeling the cold sour liquid go down her throat. She looked down to see her cuts quickly heal and she smiled.

"I'm definitely not in a dream right now, I think. Yeah, this is reality but then what was that? I don't remember sleeping in my closet, or ever seeing that strange room before. Hehehe, if I was with the goddesses right now, they'd be singing that song in my ears. Ah, I wish one of them was with me right now."

The woman put on her normal clothes and looked at her pajamas again, then placed them carefully in a plastic bag and headed for the door. She looked back at the door to her bedroom and sighed.

"Wouldn't hurt to check. Actually it might but... uh, yeah."

The woman went back into her bedroom and opened her closet door holding a small pistol inside of her jacket. She looked around to see her normal closet and squinted her eyes as she slowly closed the door.

"Alright... I guess I'll just go to work..."

She left her apartment and took a few steps down the hallway, then quickly rushed back over and opened the door. She looked around to see everything as normal, then sighed and closed the door.

"Ok, nothing's working. I'll have to just go to Histoire and maybe get my head checked."

The woman locked the door to her home and walked down the hallway again. She pressed a down arrow button and entered an elevator. She leaned against the metal bar and sighed again.

"How many times has it been now... six? Six times I've dreamt of pretty naked women? Except this time it was very... not my thing. I think. I don't think being dominated is my kink, or maybe it is. Maybe? I don't remember ever searching up-"

The woman turned to her right to see a middle aged woman stare at her in shock while covering the ears of a small boy who also just blinked and stared at her.

"Oh... Oh no. Listen, hey, I am so, so sorry that you had to hear that. I just- I- uhm-"

The elevator doors opened and the middle aged woman quickly left with the boy. The woman sighed as she exited out of the elevator and looked around the main lobby she was in.

"Don't tell me I'm naturally good at traumatizing kids..."

She left the main lobby and looked outside at the still fairly dim clear sky. She walked down the street and stood at a bus stop along with a few other people. A long purple bus stopped by and they all went inside. Once the doors were closed, the bus began to drive down the street.

"I think... I think I'm gonna move to Lowee." A man said in a seat in front of the woman.

"What? Lowee? Why? That's kind of random." The man's friend asked.

"Well, lately I haven't been getting very good sleep. I mean, no nightmares or anything but it's just been... rough."

"Have you seen a large tall four armed, three eyed lady?" The woman asked the two guys.

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