Chapter 2 : Louis

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It was the pain in his back that eventually woke him. Louis Tomlinson forced his unwilling eyes open, only to be temporarily blinded. He tried to move his arms, but they were pinned to his sides. He writhed against his bindings, but was stopped short by the horrible sensation that something very sharp and very hot had just been run from his left shoulder blade to his right hip.

Louis cried out hopelessly, falling back onto something soft. He felt tears stream from his eyes, and his breath caught in his throat and came out as a choking sob.

A familiar voice interrupted his misery. A very familiar voice.

'Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis.' The voice repeated his name softly as he cried brokenly. A hand freed his own from its bindings and gripped it firmly.

Louis cried until his vision returned. He gulped in air to make himself stop, and squinted against the still painful light as he got his bearings.

Light blue curtains, beeping machinery, an IV bag leading to a needle in his arm, cream paintwork. He was in hospital. His arms where pinned by the crisply starched sheets.

He blinked a few times, and focused on the hand gripping his own. His eyes followed the hospital-gown-wearing arm up to it's owner.

Louis gasped, and thought he might start sobbing again.

Harry Styles was at his bedside, face bruised and haggard, sitting in a wheelchair.

When Harry's eyes found his own, Harry broke into a huge, relieved smile.

'What... the fuck... happened?' Louis' voice was cracked from disuse. 'Where is everyone?'

Harry's smile dropped. 'You don't remember?'

'Not really. And why are you in a freaking wheelchair?' The more he spoke, the stronger he felt.

Harry seemed to struggle to compose himself. When he spoke, his voice was deadly quiet. 'There was a... a car crash. They found me first, and cut me out. My leg was all crushed and mangled, but they saved it. I'll have to be in a wheelchair for at least a year before I can walk again.' The pain on Harry's face was so real Louis braved the horrible burning on his back to lean over and awkwardly hug Harry with one arm.

'Hazza...' But what could he say? "I'm sorry your leg is all screwed up?" Louis didn't even properly know what had happened yet. 'And the others? Zayn and Niall and Liam?'

But the question died at his lips when he saw the look on Harry's face.

'What happened?' Louis hated to push him, but he had to know.

'Don't you want to know what happened to you first?' said Harry, a wry twist on his mouth.

'Oh yeah...'

'They dug you out second. You copped a blow to the head, and you've been out of it for about two days.'

'And my back?'

'Uh... when the car crashed, the way you were sitting made you twist awkwardly and when the metal roof buckled it kind of scraped right across your back and cut it open.' Harry spoke in a rush, gauging Louis' reaction.

But Louis didn't flip out as was expected. He blinked once.


'The doctor's reckon you'll be okay though. You'll have a scar, and some light amnesia from where you hit your head, but other than that...' Harry trailed off.

Louis sucked in his breath. 'What about the boys?' He really didn't want to think about what he would see when he next looked at his back.

Harry looked him straight in the eye. Tears ran down his cheeks.

And he told Louis everything, so he would remember.

They all had to remember.

One of Us (N.H | 1D)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें