After a few minutes of dreading telling the others, i put my attention back to the book and continued reading. It just continued to get worse.....the book pretty much said ' whoever needs something from Zalgo must get the 100 souls by themselves with no help what so ever'. I cupped my face into my hands and let out a loud irritated groan. 

        I don't know how I am going to tell them that (y/n), who could never hurt anyone, has to go kill 100 souls to gain her memory back. I ran my fingers through my hair and stood up straight, staring at the door, and took a deep breath in. I know that this would cause a problem but, I promised Jack that I would get (y/n)'s memory back for Jeff's sake and this is all I could find.

        I made my way slowly up the stairs and towards the living room but, right before I was about to walk in, I heard voices coming from inside. I slowly placed my body against the wall and listened in on the conversation.

                                                *Jeff's Point of View*

        Jack led me into the living room and sat down in a chair. I gently laid (y/n) down onto the couch and took the chair across from jack and laid back in it. I looked at Jack and spoke up saying " So what did you need to talk to me about"? Jack was silent for the longest time, staring down at the floor, twiddling his thumbs, and taking in deep breaths. Finally, he began to speak up. 

        " Jeff....I know why (y/n) is crying blood. You have to promise me however, not to get mad at me or (y/n). She did this so she could come back and be with you Jeff. She did it out of love". I nodded at Jack and looked at (y/n) and gave her a soft smile. 

        Jack slowly sat up straight and looked me straight in the eyes. " (Y/n) didn't fully die Jeff. Yes her spirit did leave her body but, she ran into someone. Someone all of us have ran into before. Zalgo...apparently (Y/n) made a deal with Zalgo....which turned her into a blood thirsty all of us but, it came at a price. You see what the price was". 

        I couldn't move, breathe, or do anything. I sat there, staring at Jack stuck in a state of utter disbelief at what he had just told me....(y/n) gave up her memory just to return to me...and to be with eyes watered and I looked over to (y/n) who was looking at me with watery eyes. I jumped up and quickly ran over to her and kissed her. I didn't care if Jack was there, I didn't care that she doesn't remember me....I still love her and I know somewhere deep inside she knows she loves me as well. When I pulled away, (y/n) blinked a couple of times and looked straight into my eyes and was about to say something until I spoke up.

        " (Y/n) I know that you don't remember me but, I will do whatever I can to either show you what we had or to return your memory. I do love you with all of my heart and I will never give up on you". I smiled softly at (y/n) who was smiling but, her eyes were quickly filling with tears. She was about to speak up until, we all heard someone clear their throat. We all turned in the direction and standing at the passage of the living room was Dr. Smiley. 

        " Get all of the Pastas together....I found a way to return (y/n)'s memory but, it is complicated". I looked at Jack who just shrugged his shoulders and walked off to go gather everyone and bring them into the living room. I stayed with (y/n) and tried to get Smiley to spill it before everyone else got here but, he just ignored my questioning and stood staring at the floor. Whatever he was about to tell us, I could tell it was something bad.

                                                *(Y/N)'s Point of View*

        Jeff sat beside me bugging Dr. Smiley about the announcement he had about the discovery he had just made but, I could already tell that it was bad just by the way he was acting right now.

        When everyone was in the living room and they had all finally calmed down, Smiley began to speak up. "Everyone, as you all know (y/n) has returned to us but, she did it in a way that we all have been through but, she lost something unlike the rest of us. She lost her memory. I somehow managed to find a way to bring her memory back but....the cost is really high.....(y/n)....has to kill and sacrifice 100 souls and perform the proper ceremony. We can't help her in her task of gathering the 100 souls but, we can give her what she will need to contain them, capture them, and kill them with...that is really all we can do".

        I gasped at what he said. Me? Kill one hundred people?! I-I can't do that! I couldn't even fight anyone for fun....I looked around the room and all of the eyes were set on me. I then turned to Jeff who was staring down at the floor with his fist clenched. I slowly reached over to him but, before I could touch him he leaped up onto his two feet and began to yell " Why does she have to stain her hands like the rest of us?! That isn't fair and it isn't right"! The whole room got quiet and the tension was so heavy...I then slowly stood up and looked down at the floor and said " I'll do it"....

        Everyone in the room gasped at what I had said, even Jeff. I slowly looked up and gave them all a serious face and said " I hate that I forgot what I had with all of you and Jeff. I don't want to let that just get away. I wanna know the life I had before and....I wanna show you all that I am not a weak link and that if one of you were to get in trouble I could give you back up". Everyone was in awe at my words but, I meant every single one and I am not gonna back down from it so easily. I turned towards Jeff and said " I want you to help me to learn how to kill people quickly. I am gonna get this done". I grabbed his hand tightly and smiled at him warmly and said " So I can get us back to what we had before".

( haha ^-^' I had meant to post this yesterday but, I got caught up in some school work ^-^ I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and guess what? We have reached 8,000 reads :D Every day this story gets more and more reads with more and more followers. I don't know how I can thank you guys but, for now all I can say is Thank You from the bottom of my heart. Well, until next time my lovely peoples ~ Love Natsu)        

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