Hawk: hey, you!

Daine and slader starts hitting the clones in the head.

Hawk: Meliodas power level is 3,370, I think so five of him adds up to 16,000. Hey wait, all them expect the real Meliodas has a power level a little above 420.

Merlin: allow me to explain, a clone is nothing more than a clone. And it's power level falls short to the hosts. For example if there's one clone, so it will be half of the hosts so 1,685. If there are four clones, They'll each have a fourths of the hosts power, so roughly 420.

Hawk: doesn't that make them weak?

Merlin: numerically, yes. However, the captains full counter is a skill that, regardless of his power level, can deflect back all the offensive magical power while using almost zero power.

Hawk: I see.

Merlin: no sacred treasure is a better fit than the captain then Lostvayne.

Slader: lady Elizabeth, what's the matter?

Elizabeth: I really wanted to make myself useful to sir meliodas. But in the end I couldn't do anything.

Slader: lady Elizabeth, don't say that, or it will be undermine my claim as a holy knight of liones!

Elizabeth: oh! I'm sorry. Still it's even more apparent. The fact that sir meliodas doesn't have the slightest need for me.

Then a rumble came.

Slader: is that thunder?

Daine:  nope, I'm not seeing any raining clouds.

Then someone lands.

???: 72 steps eh?

Daine: captain, is this....No way!

As the dust cleared, the anonymous presence is shown.

???: I thought it would only take me 70 steps to get here, but I'm out of practice after 3000 years!

???: I thought it would only take me 70 steps to get here, but I'm out of practice after 3000 years!

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Meliodas: you're......galand, of the Ten Commandments!

Galand: it's been a while Meliodas...Just as I thought it's you eh? To think after a this time you still be in that form eh?

Daine: how can.... how can there be a monster like this in the world?

                  Meanwhile in the tavern.

Gohan was on his bed sleeping. And at the same time getting more and more power.


Eliane: gohan wake up!

Gohan: what happened?

Elaine: you got hit by the ablion.

Gohan: i need to help dad. I sense a dark presence there.

Elaine: I know, you will immediately wake up now.

                      Out of Mind scape

Gohan: oh no! I have to help dad!

When gohan opens the door he saw a huge cleared area in Camelot.

Gohan: oh no! I need to help!

Gohan then comes down.

When he does he sees Meliodas and a demon fighting.

Gohan: leave my dad alone!

Galand turns around an sees Gohan.

Meliodas: gohan... get out of here...

Galand: ah, so he's the one zeldris needs. You brat, come with me.

Meliodas: no!

Galand: quiet!

When gohan saw this. He powered up.

Gohan: no.......

Galand and meliodas  and everyone else looks at him.

Gohan: I won't let you kill my dad. I WILL NEVER LET YOU HURT MY FRIENDS!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gohan then transforms back to ssj.

Gohan then transforms back to ssj

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Arthur: this power......

Slader: it's amazing, we might have a chance.

Galand was nervous by was still cocky.

Galand: so what that your power has risen? Your still a brat-

Before anything else, gohan kicks his face and launches him to the ground.

Galand: what the hell?!?

Ssj gohan: don't underestimate me.

Galand: what are you?!?!

Gohan: I'm the dragon sin of wrath's son gohan.

Galand was extremely pissed off. He went to hit gohan with his weapon but gohan catches it and trows it out of his hand. And then he kicks galand stomach. Then he twisted his arm and trows him  up and launches a. Super kamehameha wave at him.


Then galand was launch away.

Meliodas: gohan, you did it.

Daine *hurt*: thanks gohan.

Gohan: *powered down* never mind that, I need to help Elizabeth and Arthur out.

Gohan then felt a bit fuzzy. When he turned around he saw gowther shot a blackout arrow at him.

Gohan: cra- *passes out*

A/n: yo! The chapter new chapter of the story will be a bit important since the sins are going to Istar to train, but Gohan will be going different. That's all I'm gonna say, peace. (Also were almost at a 1000 reads, just a few hundred more, thx for the support.)

Gohan OC x seven deadly sins ( COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now