1-A new threat in town

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Stiles POV

I was on my way to the new hale house to meet the pack about a new threat although Derek gave no details about it... like at all.
It's been a year since I graduated high school and still no one has found out about my eyes or my 'werefoxyness' and i don't plan on telling anyone about it anytime soon. My dad said not to tell anyone until the day i died, although he died he was shot by a bugler of a jewellery store and he is buried next to my mums grave- so I'm not going to break a dead mans word. I felt a wave of sadness wash over me however I was still rather distracted because I forgot to take my Adderall and now my minds all over the place I can't stop fidgeting and I can't concentrate.

When I got to the hale house I was about ten minutes late but thats normal. I checked my eye in the mirror to make sure everything looked ok before hopping out. Everyone was there waiting when I came in.
"Where have you been? we've been waiting for you" Derek said in his normal grumpy tone
"Oh Sourwolf, you should be happy I'm even here that scowl would scare anyone in there right mind away" I said sitting down but started to fidget. "Shut up" Derek said as he turned to the pack and told us to gather round.
Derek started talking about some hunters he crossed paths with in the woods not far from hale territory.
I got out a piece of paper I found in my pocket to stop myself from fidgeting because I could feel the people around me getting annoyed by my constant movement.

Dereks POV

Stiles was fidgeting a lot I guess he forgot to take his adderall today. I hope he's alright-erm... I mean I hope he doesn't hinder the meeting. Whatever.
I was telling everyone about how the hunters were shooting at me but that I was ok and I got away when...rrrrrriiiiiiiiiippppppp, everyone turned to Stiles who was holding a piece of paper ripped in half "Stiles" I said but he seemed to be in his own world "Stiles" still nothing "STILES" he finally turned his head towards me "Yeah Derek" although he clearly couldn't concentrate and his mind was skipping from thing to thing "umm...we were talking about the hunters I went back after and fount this bullet in a tree"
(The bullet had the same symbol as the mark on Stiles chest)
I showed it to him and face whet completely pale and I could hear his heart going a hundred miles an hour "Stiles do you know it? Are you ok?"
He blinked before saying "Yeah I'm ok but I don't know it"
Strange I thought to my self I heard his heart rate change. He was lying.
"Ok if you say so" I said sceptically before telling everyone to keep an eye out and maybe try to do some research looking at stiles. I saw him rubbing his chest just below his collar bone and I heard Scott asking if he was alright but Stiles just nodded and said "yeah" -very unconvincingly I might add-
is he ok? I thought
I told everyone to go home and reminded them to keep there eyes open.
I hope Stiles is ok-wait what am I that saying you know what never mind, just never mind.

Stiles POV

As I was driving home I was completely panicking, and my adhd didn't help.
What do I do. There going to kill me like they killed mum. What do I do?!
When I got home I had tired myself out from all the panic inside me.
I went upstairs and did my normal routine getting ready for bed to distract myself.
I took out my contact, got changed, got a glass of water and then got into bed.
However the panic was still there and I couldn't get to sleep so I just closed my eyes and laid on my back.
Suddenly I heard a thud and I got scared.
Are they here. Have they found me. Am I going to die.
I turned my head and opened my right brown eye and found Derek standing above me looking far more grumpy than usual.

...Oh shit
What did I do this time.
Hi everyone hope you enjoyed this chapter
Hope you are all doing well and if not I hope you will be doing better soon
Have a great day thanks for reading😁

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