She hung up the phone immediately before Mei could even finished her sentence. As soon as she got rid of her insisting Nile threw the cell on the sofa and plopped down on it. She wasn't certain with her frustration whether it was anger or sorrow. Her fingers ran through her hair frustratedly. Her unstable gaze again landed on the photo, the photo which evoked sweet sour memories of their past. She darted her sore eyes out of the window to distract herself from recalling any sorts of their memories.

It was a sunny day, sunny like him. But the clouds inside her were raining.

She remembered that they were going to broadcast the live performance on the TV. She glanced down at the remote contemplating in her juggling mind whether to switch it on or, not.


"Excuse me, Coming through! Sorry, Coming through!"

Swimming in the sea of ​​crowd, Mei finally reached the backstage where she found Jimin and Hobi in the changing room. Providing the finishing touch, Hobi was tying his Triple S Red Black Balenciaga sneakers shoelaces, bending down a little. Jimin was standing right next to him. Noticing Mei's appearance Jimin looked at her with an amused look. Hobi stared up at her flashing a shiny smile then drove back to complete his undone job.

"Hey Mei."

"Hey, Hobi!"

"Woah! Have you just come straight from a marathon or something?" Hobi said studied her panting voice.

"Y-yeah, kinda."

Mei quaked wriggling out an awkward smile and moved her gaze to Jimin's direction with an unsure depiction. Jimin's curiosity doubled up as he mouthed her outstretching his arms in the air as a portrait of seeking for the unheard eagerly.

"Where is she?"

She cautiously took a glance at Hobi who was still immerged into fastening his shoelaces. Returning her gaze to the awaiting male she mouthed back quickly,


"What? Are-"

Jimin's face scrunched up in all disappointment as he was at the edge of shouting but held back immediately. Not wanted to be heard by Hobi as he carefully got closer to her and brought his mouth nearer to her ear and whispered between his gritted teeth,

"Are you kidding me? Did you even try?"

"I tried! Don't you know her?" She added angrily.


"What are you guys murmuring huh?"

Hobi suddenly chipped in while the two were talking about their deep-laid plan which caused panic swelling within them.

"N-nothing!" Mei cluttered, composing her body as same as her utterance.

"Yeah hyung nothing!" Jimin laughed faintly flapping his hand in the air.

Examining their abnormal chumminess and the suspicious look on their faces made him narrow his eyes.

"Don't tell me you two are, dating." Hobi partly joked wiggling his brows, holding a sneering expression on his face. His remark made the impish duo's eyes went wide which soon turned in utter disgust as they eyed each other horribly.

"EWWW!" Both proclaimed in sync with extreme disgust.

"I'd rather date that Oli London, that plastic fan of mine." Jimin jeered at her crossing his arms before his chest.

"EWWW! I never knew that you have this nasty choice!" Mei backfired.

"Hobi?" A deep manly voice interrupted their blathering in between caused the chatterers jump in for the interim. A middle aged man with glasses, probably 40 at his age who was dressed modestly in a grey cardigan with a pastel blue shirt beneath it, called out Hobi's name while entering the changing room.

The youngsters bowed instantly signifying their respect and gratitude for him as the man came towards them with a pure tender smile on his energetic skin.

"So, you all set?" The man held Hobi by the arms and looked into his stirring pupils. His features were more define, had a calm and serene expression which made the latter feel more eased and relaxed by the firm grip on him. This was the person who was the interior builder of his passion, his lifelong commitment leader, Mr. Sung, the coach of the hip-hop section of team PI.

"Yup!" Hobi evinced the warmest smile as he cheerfully replied. There was a perfect look of contentment plastered over his face.

Mr. Sung gleamed another gentle smile at him then continued, "I'm not gonna say, give your best or show EVERYONE or bring the diamond Twister award for our Royal family or something. No, I'll only say," he pursed his lips taking his times to say further. Hobi waited enthusiastically.

"I believe in you." He lowly uttered.

Hobi's eyes lit up in the surge of pure exhilaration which couldn't be even felt from the deepest of the sea.

"Wish you had a coach like us." Jimin whispered teasingly in Mei's ear who was admiring lovingly the coach and his disciple's bond of significance. Soon her face chomped up at his mockery as she poked him in the arm with her sharp elbow caused Jimin leashed out an 'ouch' lowly and pulled a face.

"Thank you for believing in me coach." Hobi's whole-hearted confidence appeased Mr. Sung as he nodded his head considering Hobi's solid initiatives.

"Mr. Sung, Hobi, it's time." The manager of the event pushed the door open and informed them about the final update standing there by the doorframe, half of his body could be seen from the others view as he looked so in hurry. Everyone convinced him that they were just on there way. Before they finally leave the room Hobi stopped while the others already left the room. He turned back and took an ultimate glance at the mirror.

"Wish you were here." He smiled sardonically. Chronic hunch of pain reflected as the smile ended up with a tight face. It was something that he never thought he would have to face. It was supposed to be something different, something to harbour her in his arms so tightly and hooked for the moment untill she shouted, 'best of luck sunshine!'


"Best of luck!" Mr. Sung patted on his shoulder blades. Hobi nodded his head smiling softly, trying to be less anxious. They're all securely waited for his name being announced by the host. Jimin and Mei reciprocated by wishing him luck while all of them were standing in the prompt corner of the massive stage. The loud commotion from the Royal arena was wild.

"Wish Nile was here!" Mei sighed and gloomily stared at Hobi who was standing next to Mr. Sung on the entrance of the upstage. Jimin refused to budge any further, fixing his gaze on his friend.


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