Chapter Eight

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The morning had discarded its brisk patina and, somehow, the weather was emitting a dark and brooding anomaly, giving off the impression that today was not a good one indeed.

But as gloomy as Monday came, Callista was adamant to stay positive and hyper, her face beaming with utter mirth as she entered the Palladium.

It had been four days since her date with David and things went smoothly. She would receive sweet messages from him every morning, call her, and visit her in her house, watching Netflix. Their friends were ecstatic to know they've settled their dilemmas and established an endearing relationship. 

Although, she wondered what they were in David's head. They were dating and confessed but David never asked her if she wanted to be his girlfriend, vice versa.

"Good morning, love." David chirped as Callie spotted Simon, Amanda, and Alesha on the entrance. He greeted her with a quick peck on the lips.

She tried not to blush but alas, with the charming man beside her it was hopeless. She still wasn't use to showing her affection, especially in front of their friends.

"You both look so adorable." Alesha cooed and Amanda sighed dreamily.

"I could hear wedding bells." Simon sang, lips smirking. David didn't protest and responded with a cheeky smile. Callista, however, was warning them and they laughed.

As they were called to enter, three thousand people inside the Palladium erupted into a vast sea of cheers. Cameras flashed and they gave some of them high fives as the judges sat on their usual seats as the auditions began.

Britain's Got Talent was livelier, the red buzzers would occasionally cut through it and moods would slacken because of some rude auditioners, but it was bearable. Every now and then, between acts, David would switch places with Alesha or just come near Callista, teasing and poking her cheeks. He was becoming more and more apparent with his actions and some of the guests seated behind them hollered a pair of 'awes' and 'ohs'.

"David, go back to your chair." Callie whispered as she tried to avoid his adoring stare. Keyword: tried.

He pouted as the girls giggled and Simon rolled his eyes.

"You don't want me anymore?"

"It's not that, Davy." She answered immediately, flushing.

David laughed and gave her a kiss on her temple making her stomach explode in a swarm of butterflies.

"I'm just kidding, love. The act's starting anyway, I'll be back." He winked before going back to his seat, quite giddily as Alesha tried her best not to chuckle too loudly.

"Oh, joy." Simon sarcastically commented and Callie shook her head in amusement.

The next audition came up and things went smoothly after it. The next thing she knew, it was down to the final act and they were giving comments.

"That's it for tonight, folks. Good night!"


Callista collapsed on the long sofa and burried her face on the soft pillow.

"Today was a long day, wasn't it?" She heard Amanda asked. She took a peek and nodded.

David was talking to Simon, both of them seriously conversing. The girls were seated, exchanging topics for today's auditions.

"I wish my golden buzzer would win this year." Amanda pouted, thinking wistfully.

Callie felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and she fished it out, clicking on the screen as she opened a new text message.

Recognising the name, she gasped and sat straight up, eyes wide.

"Oh, my god." She whispered before typing profusely.

"Why? What's happened?" Alesha asked beside her, peering at her phone.

"It's Tom. He's here in Machester." She answered excitedly, eyes twinkling.

"I'm sorry, Tom who?"


Gobsmacked, they both asked in a shrill voice. "You know Tom Hiddleston?!"

Callie winced. "Ye-yes, I met him a couple of years ago. We were on several projects."

"What's with all the yelling?" David queries as the two men decided to join in. He sat beside Callie and put his arm around her shoulders and she leaned in, smiling back at him.

"Tom texted me, told me he's here in London." She explains, showing him Tom's message to her.

"Are you going?"

She pursed her lips. "Well, I was thinking about it. You don't mind, do you?"

She gave him her best puppy dog eyes and David almost groaned. She knew how to use her charms on him and it was working. He wasn't daft, Tom Hiddleston and Callista Miller had history but it was a long time ago. But he trusted her, with all his heart.

He bobbed his head and smiled reassuringly. "Of course, I don't. Have fun. Where are you meeting?"

The three judges were watching, not that the couple minded for they were too occupied inside their small world.

"He didn't say yet. Thank you." She murmured and kissed his chin.

He grinned and winked. "Anything for my favorite girl."

That's when they heard gagged noises. Realizing they had company, Alesha and Amanda guffawed as Simon feigned disgust, shielding his eyes with his hands.

"Get a room!"

"Oh, we will." David teased, wiggling his thick brows. Callista playfully slapped his chest as the tall man shook in laughter.


She felt a someone tap on her shoulder and she turned around, her face lighting up as she saw her dear friend, Tom, looking handsome and fresh as ever.

"Tommy." She greeted and hugged him and the Englishman chuckled and hugged her back just as tight.

"Look at you. Wow. You look great." He compliments easily, his deep green eyes skimming his companion. A soft smile graced his lips.

Callista responded with a grin. "You don't look too bad yourself. When did you arrive?"

"About last week. I was Las Vegas the first few days and board a flight here." He informed and the both of them went to a local restaurant which was a memorable place for them because this was the place they first met.

"So, tell me about your expeditions." Tom quips once they were settled their seats and orders.

She shrugged. "Nothing new. But yeah, things are well. Auditions are coming to an end and the Semi-Finals are fast approaching."

His brows shot up in amazement. "You sound so busy. I'm amazed you haven't aged a hundred and years now."

She laughed. "Shut up. Now, tell me about yourself."

Tom nodded and rubbed his clammy hands, calming his heart. He had to admit, Callista looked even more beautiful the last time he saw her and it was six months ago, before she came back to Manchester. He still had feelings for her and it was even saddening that the feelings between them was platonic.

But Tom liked her too much to give up on her.

"Projects. New movies. The Russos contacted me for another Marvel movie. Don't tell anyone I told you that." He shushed and the young girl giggled and zipped her mouth.

"Your secret is safe with me." She winked as their food came.

The two continued on eating, exchanging a part of their lives. As the night grew deeper and darker, unbeknownst to Callista, Tom already had plans in set for her.

The Prince's Pursuit (David Walliams)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora