Chapter Four

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David checked himself on the rearview mirror for what seems like the umpteenth time for the last three minutes. He assured himself that his shirt had no apparent creases, his hair styled neatly and not a single strand out of place.

He looked pleasing enough, but it wasn't sufficient to slacken his apprehension, dreading for what has to come. His fingers nervously tapped on his steering wheel, humming along the lines of Ed Sheeran's Dive as it played in his car serving as a distraction. 

His eyes skimmed outside his window shield. The steely white gate greeting him, reminding him that a goddess would walk out in seconds.

"You're too early." He tells himself, cursing. "You look bloody desperate."

Closing his eyes, he leaned against his headrest and groaned. It was 9:30 in the bloody morning and his thoughts were already consuming him, he was thirty minutes early.

Great. Bloody terrific.

Callista had mentioned that they should meet in the orphanage, at ten-o'clock tops. But David persisted it wasn't necessary and offered to give her a ride so they could go together.

So, here he was. On front of her residence, waiting patiently, making sure everything was flawless, from his car to him.

He was worried he might be underdressed for this occasion. He wasn't wearing his suit, like he usually does, but opted for a long sleeve shirt, dark jeans, and shoes.

Minutes passed and David rehearsed his introduction to Callista when she comes over. What should he do when she's here? Wave?

He scrunched his nose, shaking his head.

Obviously, not that. Too cliché. A common 'How's your day?' would surely do it.

He paused, blinking but cringed inwardly. He was positive nothing exciting happened to her morning so far. Aside from maybe spoiling her cat, Cleopatra, with bountiful amount of cat chips.

He chuckled.

He glanced at his watch, 9:56. He exhaled deeply and glimpsed at the gate and right in time, Callista was walking towards his car, wearing a blue jumper and white crop top, hair styled in pigtails.

He nearly melted how adorable yet sexy she looked.

David fumbled over his seatbelt and got out, walking towards the passenger's door and opened it for her.

"H-howdy." He greeted enthusiastically, teeth showing in a wide grin.

Callista's mouth twitch and smiled sweetly. "Howdy to you, too, David. Thank you."

He shuts the door once she was settled and nearly smack his head on the hood of his car.

Bloody idiot. Howdy? HOWDY? That's the best you can come up with?

"So," he started as his car roared to life and drove off.

"So?" She imitated slowly.

"Who's your favorite act so far?"

Callie pondered, pursing her lips. "Well, I absolutely love Faith. Her voice is very powerful, she's a phenomenal child."

He nodded. "Someone as young as that, you can really tell she's going to do great in the future. Especially in Broadway."

"See, that's what I think. She could be the next Beyoncé."

"Oh, no one can be the next Beyoncé. Just can't."

Callista laughed. "Fearing she'll take your place?"

He grinned and sent her a wink. "Not at all, I'm already born a diva."

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