Prologue: Why Is It Always Us?

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~5 months later~

~4s POV~

It's the 26th July, 5 months since Sonia dissappeared after we went to clean up Tar Tar's base. I had moved into Cora and Tobias' house temporarily for emotional support, and I have just woken up. Instantly, I get dressed into my agent gear and leave the house, I then proceed to jump down the manhole and arrive at headquarters. Everyone was mostly working in the communications department, but 1, 2, and 8 all were switching between the department and the main room where they talked about information to do with the Squidbeak Splatoon.

"Hey 4! Comms system is nearly complete, and we can test it soon." Lukas tells me as he helps 6 with her part and then 5 with her bit. "Thanks for the update Lukas." I exit the Comms department and enter the main room. I was put in charge of this mission, after all, it was my fionce who had gone missing and needed saving. Although, anything I wanted to do needed to be approved by the main commanders 1 and 2, along with 8 as he had been second in command for quite a while. The main room had the circular table in the middle with the blackboard in the corner. Normally, it was blank, but this time it was covered in drawings and annotations of this new communication system for the radio. The way it worked was that it would send a signal out, which could locate our agents by finding our 5 digit code. We all had one assigned to us, but 2 never told us about it as she saw it irrelevant, thought we'd never have to use it, that was until now. I zoned out, thinking about Sonia and whether this plan would work, but I soon came back to my senses when Lance asked to talk to me alone.

"You positive about getting Sonia back Leon? It's been 5 months. 5 months! We haven't seen her for ages, she could be anywhere in city, doing anything at this moment in time." Lance asked me. "I belive in the team and plan. I think we can get her back, let's just hope it's quick. Honestly, I don't know how much longer I can survive being leader, and not bieng with Sonia. I don't understand how she managed to survive 3 years without me." I respond, looking over the notes on the blackboard for another time. "As long as you belive we can get her back, so will I. I may not be an official agent, but I can tell 2 has put someone great in charge of this mission. Speaking of 2, I need to get back to work, she made Cora drag me along to help, I don't wanna get in trouble for not helping or slacking on the job. He starts to walk off leaving me behind, but I ask him a question before he leaves. "Why is it always us?" He shrugs and exits the room, leaving me alone in front of the blackboard.

~3s POV~

"Lance, I need help over here. Like now!" I say. He comes my way and starts to work on his part of the radio as well as passing me tools I needed. 1, 2, and 8 were all walking around, and soon ended up at our station, looking at the work we had done so far. "You may wanna connect these two wires, and then attach them here." 8 tells me, kissing me on the cheek. "Thanks for the help honey." I tell him back. I then divert my attention to my work and Lance. "So, big bro, why haven't you got a girlfriend yet?" I ask. He hadn't had one ever, and I was curious to why, but then he told me something unexpected. "Oh I do. I do have a girlfriend." I continue working as I ask him another question. "Oooh. Who is it?" He looks toward me and then looks forward to 2 who was still observering our work. "Oh... Just someone called.... Marie." He smiles and takes 2s hand. They both blush and everyone in the room looked toward them, even 4, who had just entered, had heard it. The entire room was silent, but then 2 then looked away in embarrassment, and Lance started laughing a bit.

~8s POV

Did I just hear that right? Lance is dating Marie? That's so cool! I finish observing 5, 6 and Lukas' work and go back over to 1 and 2, who were still at 3 and Lance's station. As I walked over, I heard 1 congratulating 2, although her facial expression didn't seem to be that happy. "Well done on getting in a relationship 2!" I say. "Also, 1, what's wrong with them dating?" I ask. "There's nothing wrong with them dating, I just don't really like Lance. I'm just forced to put up with him." She gestures at Lance and rolls her eyes as he waves at her. "What's wrong with him that you don't like?" I ask again. "He's just annoying, and really obnoxious." She tells me. I could tell she was happy for her older cousin, but the fact she hated the person she was dating seemed to bother her slightly. "You sound just like Cora when I first met her." I tell 1, chuckling as 3 had heard what I said. "Hey! I was not like that!" 3 insists, blushing at the fact I had embarrassed her. "Oh well, must have been a ghost who told me Lance was really annoying then!" I say back, still embarrassing her. "Ok fine, maybe I was like that a bit." She finally gives in to me, and comes over to me. She holds my hand and gives me a kiss on the lips. "Nothing is gonna get in the way of us still loving each other though." 3 says, playing with my hair. I was about to boop her nose, but 2 told us to stop. "You two! Stop romanticing and get back to work, you can be romantic later, in your own time!" So we let go of each other and both got back to our work. The work to save 7 wasnt going to complete itself!

~7̵̜̖̬̌̅̐ś̸̙̆͛ ̶̜͚͕̃̾͊̕P̷̱̥̥͐͆̆̂Ơ̶̭̌̓͂͒V̸͍͛͑̐̊̎~

I look over my hybrid army; every soldier has been created with the corrupted ink, equipped with powerful weapons and armour. Whilst I looked over them, one of the high ranking elites came up to me with great news. "The entire right wing of the Metro is under our control Ma'am; the other wings will be under our control soon. We are hoping to have them taken by tommorow." "Good. Now get back to work; take the army with you. You know what to do: make remaining Octolings surrender and bring them back to me; take over every train line, and station. Do not report back to me until it is done." I tell the elite. "You know what happens to people who disobey, unimpress, and don't deliver what I want..." I was bieng serious; if they didn't do something well enough, they were a gonner. I return back to looking over my army before picking up a small cage that held a prisoner.

I walk down the hallway, my boots clicking and clacking against the floors surface. I walk past a pyramid cloning centre, and corrupted ink creation room. I take a look through the glass in both of them to see hybrids hard at work, doing my bidding. Pyramid cloning was going well; every hour at least 2 pyramids were being made, tested, then transported to the ink creation rooms. This was where they made the corrupted ink; the stuff I used on my entire army. The old Sanitized ink was combined with sea water and chemicals, before bieng added to a powder. Pyramids were crushed into a fine powder and then added to the ink, causing its colour to change from a green to a hot pink with light pink and white parts sticking out of it. I was happy with how the production of it all was going, I didn't need to say anything about it, for now. I continue my way down the hall, passing several cages and a large torture room. My office was at the very end of the corridor, and that's where I was heading.

Octolings, who had been captured, cowered in my presence, knowing their fate that layed ahead. Their destiny was certain, and they couldn't do anything about it. If they tried to escape or postpone it, their fate was handed to them, right there, right then, at that moment in time. I always loved walking down this corridor, made me feel powerful and menacing. I unlocked my office with a fingerprint scanner and headed inside.

My office seemed small to the human eye, but I had 3 hidden rooms connected to them. 2 were cells, and the other was my own personal torture room. 1 of the cells was taken, the other was resorted to someone special if he decided to show up. Best thing about it, you could hear the screams of Octolings from inside, scaring the people who were bieng held captive. I input a code into the first cell and enter inside. I place the small cage in the corner and waited for the prisoner inside to wake up. Sooner or later, he awoke and was greeted with my presence.


"Hello CQ! Welcome to your new home! Looks like you won't be the train captain for how long? Forever!" 7 exits the room and locks me in. I look around and see a familiar face in the opposite corner. "Iso Padre? Is that you?" I ask. "CQ, my friend. What's happening down here?" He asks. I decide to explain what had happened over the last few months whilst I was still free in the metro, including every detail about 7 I could and how she infiltrated our home and claimed it as her own. "And I think our fates are sealed as well." I say. I then realise there's another in the room. A female octoling sat it the corner of the room, the one closest to the door, chained to the walls and floor, surrounded by cage. She looked up at smiled at me slightly. She was beaten up, bleeding a bit and seriously injured; she must have been through alot recently. "Who are you?" I ask politely.

"I'm Tori, Octavio's daughter...."

The Pyramid Of Corruption ~The 38 Saga 3rd Book~Where stories live. Discover now