Yet, another crumpled paper ball was on his desk. He carefully turned to Mild but he just saw him doodling on his notebook instead of listening. 

"Whose paper ball is this?" 

He opened the crumpled paper ball. But he was so surprised to see what's on the paper. It is not Mild's penmanship. He's got a very awful penmanship so there's no way this is his. This is too perfect.

One person pops up in his head. But he doesn't want to believe it. Besides, why would he send this paper? Until he has realized what was written on the paper.

[Are you two talking about me?]

And then, shoot. He started panicking, again.

He nervously turned to the direction of the suspected sender of the paper ball, but a raised eye brow of Mew's welcomed him. He even almost choke himself when he realized that it was really Mew. 

Mew on the other hand, still waits for the other lad's reply but there's none. Instead, he just received an awkward-slash-apologetic smile from him.

"P'Mew will be the end of me. I swear it. Why do I have a feeling that being his seatmate is a bit stressful than what I actually imagined.

Wait. Hold up. This is what I wanted so I must bear with it and I must admit, this kind of excites me rather than that of stressing me."

 The class has now finished. At some point, Gulf wanted  to leave the room for a  moment so he can breathe at least. The whole period was a lot tense than the periodical tests they usually take. He even felt like he'll die if it goes on forever.


"Mew, come with me to the faculty room."

To be honest, he doesn't have a clue why he is being summoned to the faculty. He just followed what Ms. Nan has asked of him.

When they arrived at the faculty room, Ms. Nan puts down first her things, heaved a sigh and looked at Mew with concern eyes. Mew is kind of worried with the face Ms. Nan is giving him. But he is all ears, nonetheless.

"Do you have some issues with your seatmate Gulf, Mew? I saw you two arguing earlier."

Ms. Nan is really worried about the two. She just wants everybody to be close with their classmates, especially with their seatmates. If there is anything she can do to bring peace to the quarreling parties, she will do it as long as there will be harmony.

"No, Ma'am."

"Then, why did you switch your seats without my permission yesterday?"

"Oh that, Ma'am? It was just nothing. I'm now back to my original seat beside Gulf, right? What else is there to argue about?" 

"I know but I still want to know if you are not comfortable sitting beside Gulf."

It took Mew a few minutes before he can answer Ms. Nan.

"No, Ma'am. In fact, I am so excited to be his seatmate. And I wish, we will continue being seatmates," said Mew and smiles at their teacher. She wanted to be convinced by what Mew has said but she is doubtful after what she's seen earlier. Or is it just her imagination? Mew seems honest when he was saying those so there is no need to worry.

She then told Mew that he can now go back to his class.

Mew went out of the faculty with his both hands on his pockets. Until he felt a thin paper in one of his pockets.

He smiled when he realized what was that paper. It is the reason why he now wants to be seated beside Gulf, without complain.

He opens it.

And the smile went wider when once again, he saw the drawings on it.

It is a simple comic strip where two cartoonized boys are talking to each other. You can see that the comic strip is carefully drawn for the fine details it has, even if it was just a sketch. 

There are four frames on this comic strip. But unfortunately, half of it was still unfinished. 

On the first frame, the boys are facing each other. One boy has slightly curled hair and the other has a straight hair. 

Honestly speaking, Mew has no interests when it comes to comics or anything that has pictures. He's more into novels where there are only nothing but words. But what made him change his mind is the dialogue those two boys are having. 

Even though he has already read this earlier, it still makes him smile whenever he reads the dialogue he is so familiar with.

"I didn't know you are like this. I thought you are decent but I guess I'm wrong."

"Do I really look as arrogant as this drawing? Gulf, you really are something. Hahaha." 


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