••☆ Chapter 12: "Weird Touch" (Part2) ☆••

Start from the beginning

Rose noticed Dylan's stiff face as she was standing beside him.

"I believe we're through." He finally able to pluck up a courage to talk to her again, but in a cold voice.

"Oh come on now, baby. I know you miss me too. How about I visit you at your house? Just like before? Hmm?" she purred, exposing her cleavage forgetting he couldn't see.

He removed her hands off his face. "Get me outta here, Rose." he said in a seething manner.

Patricia looked at her, then she smirked scornfully. "Is she your girlfriend now? ...Your taste changed a lot." she said contemptuously.

Dylan was about to speak, but Rose outflanked him.

"I'm not his girlfriend. I'm his helper, and his spokesman as well when he couldn't speak his mind. Right now, I can clearly sense that he wants you to mind your own business and find someone else to milk and swindle... and oh! One more thing. He also thinks your boobs are saggy, and I agree with him." she jeered calmly.

Patricia was mortified when other people at the shelter sniggered after what Rose told her. "Who the hell are you to speak to me like that?" she ranted.

Rose ignored her. When they got a cab, she guided Dylan to his seat, but before she hops in, she looked back at Patricia and gave her the middle finger.

"Sorry I said that to your ex." she apologized as they were heading back home.

He smirked. "It's okay. I actually think I should thank you. I don't have the balls to say that to her, even if I wanted to." he replied.

Back in the house, Dylan requested for an alone time in his room. Rose obeyed, but after three hours, she felt bothered waiting, so she knocked on his door to check on him.

"Dylan? ...Are you still alive?" she called.

When he didn't answer, she turned the doorknob and opened the door slightly. She found him sitting on the bed only wearing a pair of boxer shorts. She also noticed one of the liquor bottles on the top of the drawer was already half done. She let out a deep breath and walked inside. "Hey"

He still refused to respond.

"Don't tell me you regret now you rejected her?" she asked in a disappointed tone.

"I will not be fooled by her again." He finally spoke.

"Oh, yeah? How come you don't look okay?" She noticed.

"I stand by my words. Meeting her again just gave me something I can't have right now." he reasoned. He sounded very sad.

"And what is it exactly?" she asked in a confused tone.

"Nevermind, Rose... You will not understand me anyway." he replied, then he sniffed.

"Whoa! Don't tell me you're crying now." she asked.

"I feel miserable... I'm blind, I can't date, and I'm tired fucking myself." he burst out, sulking. Tears fell down on his face.

Rose could really see his miseries. As she was looking at him, a crazy thought suddenly appeared in her mind. She tried to erase it, but it kept coming back. Then oddly, all the good things he'd done for her came flashing in her head too. She bit her lower lip and sighed. "Okay, wait here"

After Dylan heard that, he stopped weeping. Then, he heard the bathroom door creaked. "Hey... What are you doing?" he asked, wiping his face.

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