Chapter 13

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A/N: Thanks to AlbinoPeacock for posting the plunny for this story.

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Find me on Tumblr at crochetawayhpff.

See the gorgeous manip that Klawdee890 made for this story on Tumblr!

Major thanks to Fae Orabel for all of her hard work! All other mistakes are mine.

And major thank you to all my readers for reading! I can't believe it's finally finished!



The rest of the school year passed similarly, with Thorfinn visiting Hermione at Hogwarts once or twice a week, and on the very rare occasion, he was able to get to the castle three times a week. It got to the point that the Gryffindors were used to seeing him, and he was no longer asked for autographs as he made his way through the common room. Dumbledore always looked as if he had been sucking on lemons on the rare occasions Thorfinn ran into him. It just made Thorfinn's inner Slytherin cackle with glee. Anything to irritate Dumbledore was a good thing in his book.

Anytime they could swing it, Hermione attended a Pride game with Antonin and Bridgit, fully decked out in the Pride gear Thorfinn had been slowly leaving in her dorm room over the months. It was slightly barbaric, but he loved seeing her in Pride colors.

The week after Hermione left Hogwarts for the last time—a week after completing the NEWTs she should have been able to take back in her fifth year—Thorfinn found himself pacing outside of Grimmauld Place.

A graduation party was taking place inside for Hermione, Potter, and Weasley. But that wasn't what had Thorfinn pacing; it was the engagement jewelry burning a hole in his pocket that had him nervous. Logically, he knew that he and Hermione were stuck with one another, whether they wanted to be or not. And Salazar did Thorfinn want to be with Hermione. It was why he had dug through the family vaults for the engagement jewelry to begin with. He was nervous that Hermione would think it was too soon, though.

The courtship that he had insisted on now felt like it was strangling him. As long as they were in a courtship, they couldn't live together. They had to be married before they could move into the same place, and Thorfinn was done only seeing Hermione a few times a week. He wanted to wake up next to her every morning; he wanted to go to bed with her each night.

"Rowle?" someone said from behind him, and he turned to see Potter standing on the stoop of Grimmauld Place. "Were you planning to come in? Or were you just going to wear a hole in the pavement?"

Thorfinn squared his shoulders and climbed the few stairs up to where Potter stood. "Just thinking about some things," he muttered as he pushed past him.

Potter stopped him with a hand on his arm. "Be good to her, yeah?"

"Don't worry," Thorfinn replied. Potter nodded and followed him inside. The house was crowded with seemingly every Gryffindor in existence and for a moment he felt totally out of his element.

But then Hermione bounded through the crowd, wearing his favorite sundress, and jumped into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist and planting a kiss on his lips. Thoughts of everyone else left his mind as the soulbond between them sang.


Hermione wasn't sure there was a time she'd ever been happier in her life. It wasn't that she loved parties, but this one was shaping up to be a pretty epic one. Everyone in their year had decided to attend, shocking both her and Harry to the core when the Slytherin contingent showed up led by Malfoy.

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