Chapter 11

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A/N: Thanks to AlbinoPeacock for posting the plunny for this story. Thanks to Fae Orabel for betaing this story! All other mistakes are mine. If you liked this (or hated it) let me know about it in a review! Find me on Tumblr at crochetawayhpff. See the gorgeous manip that Klawdee890 made for this story on Tumblr!

And major thank you to all my readers for reading, whether you reviewed or not!

Two more chapters after this one!



"Mother," Thorfinn groaned as Granger sat up straighter. She went to stand, but Healer Eldridge put a hand on her shoulder, keeping her in her chair.

"You haven't told her yet?" his mother asked sharply. The disapproval was heavy in her voice, and Thorfinn felt about two inches tall.

"I hadn't gotten around to it," he said quietly.

"You've known for months," she replied. Now it wasn't just disapproval but disappointment as well.

Healer Eldridge cleared her throat. "I think it's time for Mr Rowle to take the rest of his potions." She had just finished speaking when a mediwitch came into the room pushing a cart of potions.

Granger stood stiffly and shot him a glare as she stomped out of the room, his mother right behind her. He did not want to be on the receiving end of either of their ire, so he was fairly concerned about what sort of conversation was going to happen without him.

Healer Eldridge ran another diagnostic spell over him and began requesting various potions from the medi-witch. He took them, eyeing the door the entire time. He desperately wanted to know what was happening between his mother and Granger. He had fucked up big time, but he definitely hadn't imagined that his mother would be the one who spilled the beans. He hoped he was able to salvage any sort of relationship with Granger.

"Last one, Mr Rowle," Healer Eldridge said, shoving a light-blue potion into his hands. He downed it and handed the vial back.

"Alright, you are cleared to leave, however no Quidditch for two weeks. Not even practice," Healer Eldridge said. "I'll be owling your coach as well. Standard practice for all professional Quidditch players."

Thorfinn nodded and the moment the healer and the medi-witch left the room, he was up and scrambling into some clothes his mother had left for him. He was dressed in record time, despite the pounding in his head. Opening the door quickly, he was disappointed to only see his mother standing in the corridor.

"Ready then?"

"Where's Hermione?" he asked, looking down the corridor toward the lifts.

"Gone back to Hogwarts. She felt she had been gone long enough, although I did assure her that I had owled Headmaster Dumbledore the first night she was here."

"Fuck," he muttered as he followed his mother to the lifts. He had some major groveling to do in order to win Granger back and not suffer any soul-sickness.


He bid his mother goodbye at the Floo fireplaces and traveled by Floo back to his flat in Portree. His mother wanted him to come home to Rowle Rock, but Thorfinn wasn't interested in being babied by his mum for two weeks. He wanted to go back to work. The soulbond was appeased, but even still, he could feel it simmering beneath his skin. They hadn't nearly spent long enough together and he wanted to see Granger. But he also knew the value in letting a witch cool off before he chased her down. No, he would give it a few days before he went to Hogwarts to see her.

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