Chapter 3

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A/N: Thanks to AlbinoPeacock for posting the plunny for this story. Thanks to Fae Orabel for betaing this story! All other mistakes are mine. If you liked this (or hated it) let me know about it in a review! Find me on Tumblr at crochetawayhpff. See the gorgeous manip that Klawdee890 made for this story on Tumblr!

And major thank you to all my readers for reading, whether you reviewed or not!



By Sunday, Thorfinn found himself thoroughly frustrated. It didn't matter what he was doing, Granger was in his thoughts. Studying for Charms, Granger's eyes were twinkling with laughter at him. Studying for Astronomy, Granger again, this time with thoughts of what she looked like underneath the full moon. Flying, Granger and how much she liked Quidditch players. And just who were these other Quidditch players she was wanking over? Working on a new move he was eager to show the Pride next month, Granger again, this time he was wondering what she would think of his new move. It was clear she was a fan of Quidditch.

Everything was Granger, he couldn't get her out of his mind. Which meant only one thing. He needed to get her underneath him again. Perhaps if he fucked her once more, then he could get the swot out of his mind completely. Usually, one fuck was all he needed, but perhaps a second wouldn't be amiss here. He hoped not, anyway, because he was bloody well sick of thinking about her.

Thorfinn stormed out of the common room. He had to find her. He had to figure out a way to get her out of his head for good. And on a Sunday night, he knew just where she would be. He didn't even bother to bring his bag as a pretense. He'd find her, he'd lure her out and to somewhere private, then he'd fuck her and she'd be out of his system for good.

Moments later, Thorfinn pulled open the door to the library. It was fairly empty for a Sunday night just before the end of the school year, but he knew Granger would be here. She was almost always here.

Madam Pince glared at him, but he just gave her his brightest grin and waltzed past, heading toward the back of the library. He knew where Granger liked to study after all. He wasn't surprised when he found her. She was at a table in the very back corner, the table itself was pressed against the wall, and she had her feet up on the chair opposite, with a book propped up. She was reading it and chewing on a sugar quill at the same time. She hadn't noticed him, which gave Thorfinn all the time he needed to study her.

She was bloody gorgeous, her dark, coffee-colored curls hung halfway down her back and she had at least one quill stuck in her hair. She wasn't wearing her uniform or robes, but, given the warm weather, was in a sundress. The hem rode up her golden legs to an almost indecent extent.

Thorfinn took a deep breath and slid into the seat next to her. "Don't you do anything other than study?"

"Exams are in a month, Rowle. I intend to be prepared," she answered absentmindedly. She didn't even bother to look up at him. She was so engrossed in what she was reading. He leaned over to see what it was, but it appeared to be in Ancient Greek and he couldn't make heads or tails of it.

"It's not even your OWL or NEWT year," he replied.

Granger frowned, finally meeting his eye for a moment. "That doesn't mean they aren't important. Education is the foundation for the rest of your life. If you don't want to be stuck as a Ministry drone, you'd do well to study hard, too."

"Eh, I've already been recruited by the Pride," Thorfinn said with a shrug.

"First string?" Granger asked, raising one eyebrow. Thorfinn found he liked that she raised one eyebrow at him. Made her look cheeky. No girl ever cared enough to be cheeky with him, they all just wanted the same thing, which usually was also what he wanted, too.

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