Chapter Seven

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"What is this? How did they know?", Yeonjun asked as he looked at Soobin. He wants an answer to his question. He doesn't have any idea on what's happening right now or how did his parents knew about soobin. "Son, let's go inside first and we will explain", his dad said.

"The three of you, sit for now. I will prepare something we can drink or eat", his mom said as she disappeared. His dad sat in front of the both of them as the atmosphere felt awkward. "Can you explain, dad?", Yeonjun broke the silence. "What's happening? How come you know about Soobin? The both of you?", he continued as he grasp his other hand and stared at his dad seriously.

"Wait for your mom", his dad said. His face was serious as if he will let go of his daughter and give to another man. Well, it partly true since Soobin said the word married. Yeonjun stop his mouth to open and patiently wait for his mom to appear.

After a while, his mom appeared with a tray on her hand which consists of food and drinks. Her mom put the tray on the table and sat. "This is awkward at all. Well, it can't be helped. Before I explain, I want to say something. I'm happy for the both of you, boys. So who is the top?"


"Mom, me."

"Love, what are you saying?"

"Oh? I think it's obvious. My baby is not a top but a bottom."

"What is this top and bottom, love?"

"Mom! This is not the time to talk about this. I need answer about Soobin."

"Sorry, baby boy. I forgot."

"How many times I'm going to tell you mom don't call me baby boy?"

"Oh? Are you baby, right? Am I right, Soobin?"

"Yes, mom! He's my baby."


"Love, start explaining."

"Okay. Okay. Why did we know about Soobin? His mom is my bestfriend. She loves someone and I don't who's that. All I just know, she went to me. She's pregnant that time and I asked about the father but she refused to answer. So I help her-."


"Okay, love. So we help her. We gave everything she needs during pregnancy. And when she gave birth, we were so shocked because the baby is not totally human. Well, it's human but it has rabbit ears and a cute tail."

"Okay, mom. I understand. But how did Soobin became stray? I saw him dirty and he looked like not cute but pitiful."

"Wait. I need liquid to drink. My throat felt dry."


"Well, one day he went missing. I don't know why and how but I feel it's about of her. His mother."

"Mom, you don't need to say it to Yeonjun."

"Why not? I need to know everything about you."

Soobin felt his cheeks heated up because of that sentence. It sounds cheesy but he can't help but felt touched. He grasped Yeonjun's hand and kiss it.

Yeonjun immediately retrieved his hand where Soobin kissed. His cheeks was also like Soobin and even his hand. He glared at Soobin who smiled back.

The two older watched the two young guys. Yeonjun's mother held her phone and quickly capture the moment between of his two boys while the father can't help but to felt helpless. He knows that his wife is someone who like a romance between two guys. He can't help but to sighed. He coughed to catch the attention of the three.




"Love, why you interrupt their moment?"

"Explain now or I will burn your collection."

"Don't you dare! Okay. About Soobin's mother, she seems to hate his son. But I know she's not. When Soobin went missing, she looked so helpless. She always blame herself why Soobin ran away."

"Where is she now, mom?"

"She's dead."

"Oh? Sorry! I didn't know, Soobin", Yeonjun felt his body went cold as he looked at Soobin who was smiling at him but his eyes show sadness. "I'm okay. I did saw her for the last time but she was already in bed. She weakly said to me-."

"Be fine on your own and be yourself. Find your someone and I did. I found you, my Yeonjun", Soobin said that send a million of butterflies in Yeonjun's stomach and an overwhelming feeling in his heart.

Yeonjun's parents looked at them. They saw how happy they were with each other. "You said Soobin something about marriage", his father interrupt as his mother pouted her lips and glared at his husband.

"Yes, Pa. I've been planning about it but Yeonjun is still studying."

"Wait! I have one question. How did you know that this Soobin is the one who went missing?"

"Baby boy, do you remember the one you show us? That collar."

"Oh? Okay, Mom."

They talked about marriage as Yeonjun felt embarrassed. When he was a child, he had dreamt about marrying the girl he likes. He was the one who will going to talk to the parents. But now, he did nothing but to felt embarrassed. He felt like he was a girl.

As the time passed, night has came. They had no choice but to stay overnight in Yeonjun's parent house. "The two of you can sleep at your room, Yeonjun", his mother said with a smirk on her beautiful face.

"We have guest room, mom."

"Its cover by dust. You want to clean up?"

"You're a neat freak, mom."

"I was before but now I'm not."


"Just sleep at your room. And wait! I will give you something."

His mother give him something. It was condom! He glared at his mom as his mom smiled at him sweetly. He didn't want the condom but still he put it on his pocket.

'What if my first will be here? Is it hurt? As I remember, it's big! Wait! What?! What I'm thinking about?! Yeonjun!'

"Yeonjun?", Soobin called him and hug him from behind. "I think it's time, Yeonjun."

'Huh? Huh?! What?!'

"I mean, time to sleep. But maybe if you want to do something better, we can do it since I have this", Soobin said as he show something to Yeonjun.

'It was condom!' Yeonjun yelled in his mind.

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