ocean: 07/27/2020

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Imagine being the first humans to see the ocean.
Imagine stumbling upon a roaring, foaming, crashing blue abyss, infinite under a burning blue sky. You look for the end, it must end, there must be an end. Tears sting your eyes, scintillating sparks of light, hissing foam licking your ankles, frothing bubbles spatter your lips with salt. Seagulls shoot across the wash of blue and green and far-away clouds, giant white mountains sailing slowly through an inverted sea. You think you're upside down, falling, floating, drifting, lost. Now there is only sunshine like a cello's deep song on your skin, and thunder washing over you in cold shockwaves. You trace the blurred line of the horizon, and stare wildly at the space that yawns everywhere, and feel yourself filling up, chest swelling with a new sensation, and you scream but you can hardly hear yourself, you can't hear anything but the enormity of all this life that is somehow inside of you even though you are too small to be alive. And suddenly a concept that has been silently sifting through the depths of your consciousness breaks the surface, and you touch it briefly before it sinks back down into mystery.

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