Chapter 1

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Narrator POV

This takes place where they are in middle school. Here we have Drew and Adrian are in the classroom learning

Adrian POV

Me and my twin older brother are in school and then the bell rings and it is now time to go home. Everybody is packing and when me and drew were about to exit i see my bullies coming towards me. Yeah everybody thought that they are my friends but in reality there are my bullies.

   The only thing they bully me because they say i am a weakling, my older brother is better than me and cooler than me. I mean he is popular in middle school and everybody forgot about me everytime i try to hang out with my brother or get closer to him when we are in school everybody push me away for him and even when we are at home Drew always hangs outs with his friends like almost everyday and when i am alone my parents were trying to hang out with me but i just tell that i have to study and they go back to what they were doing and when the only people i was force to hangout with is my bullies, they always pretend that they are my friends around other people but when we go outside and go to the playground, my bullies always come up to me and drag me in to the woods and go far so no one knows.

Then after they got enough distance away from the playground they beat me up and sometimes they will take my uniform off and keep on hurting me until i have bruises and then they leave me and headed back to the playground just in time to leave and i was sitting on the floor crying and then after five minutes of crying i finally got up and put my uniform back on and i dried up my tears and headed back to the playground and once i got there i saw nobody there so i headed back inside but instead of going to class,

  i headed to the restroom once i got there i went in and looked at my self in the mirror and i see dried up tears so i wash my face and make sure nothing was suspicion and i headed back to class and i know that i am late and i have a excuse i will say 'i was in the restroom'.

So i opened the door and the next thing i opened it everybody eyes was on me and also my teacher. I scan and looked around everywhere and i saw my bullies, grining at me then i my teacher said 'where were you?' Then i said what i was going to say 'i was in the restroom' then the teacher said 'it couldn't take you that long' then i said 'you don't know what i have" then everybody started giggling then the teacher looked angry at me and said 'you could at least say it with some respect' then i got tired because i don't feel like doing this and my body is hurting from standing and i don't want to cry and stuff will probably would go cause.

  So i just simply said 'don't care' then went over to my seat and sat in it and put my elbow on my desk and put my chin on the palm of my hand. Then the teacher looked shocked and asked if i am ok and say that i am not normal and say that i sound like a teacher and then i got more annoyed and said 'can we just start the lesson, we can talk more later but now you have to teach' and everybody was surprised and shocked and Drew was concern of me.

But then the next day everybody was not expecting me becoming nice because yesterday i was just acting cold and now i am becoming nice even the teacher was confused. Anyways my bullies came up to us and say.

Bully #1:hey Adrian and Drew

Drew:hey, i am guessing you want to talk to Adrian but don't worry i will leave besides i am going to my friends anyways so cya Adrian i will meet you at the house.


Then Drew left

Bully #1:well since that's done, we want you to follow us.


Bully #2:to the woods

Bully #3:and it's not here in school, it's farther away from school.

Drew McIntyre Twin Younger BrotherWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu