Chapter Three

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Video doesn't belong to me! Also... 👆

I thought the video can went along with what the reader thinks when they come home to an empty house and a life they don't wish they had. The reader wishes to be in a home and be met with their family waiting for them with open arms. It's also saying that the reader has trouble finding their "home" and they need someone's help finding it. Home is a place of peace, happiness, and a place where we don't have anymore struggles.

Believe it or not, this song actually inspired the reader's personality and life when she gets home.

For everyone who's struggling to find their "home," remember that you are not alone and your family, friends, relatives, and me (ESPECIALLY ME) are here for you. There are people waiting for you at the end of the tunnel. Just remember to keep fighting, your struggles will be over soon. If any of you need someone to talk to, you can ALWAYS talk to me. Remember to keep smiling (:


I decide to take the long way home. Through the park full of cherry blossoms and down the alley, I mean. I wave bye to Hanako and jump out of the first floor window. It's only two, usually I leave around eight or nine.

My skin feels sticky and warm from the humid. I take my headphones out of my pocket and plug them into my phone. I decide to choose a new song for once since I always play the same ones over and over again.

The only thing that Mom and I can afford is a phone and a cheap phone line, constantly switching to the cheaper ones and using the free phones to sell and make money with them.

"Home. A place where I can go, to take this off my shoulders, someone take me home."

I wince and reach for my phone to change the song. My thumb hovers over the skip button, but I just can't do it. I shove the phone into my pocket and continue walking through the park. I stop when I observe two conjoined twins sliding down a yellow slide into their parents arms.

"Someone take me home, someone take me..."

I turn away, realizing I was taking baby steps towards them. I curse and force myself to walk away. I try to keep my head low and watch my shoe laces bounce with every step I take. The song finishes, waiting for me to type up the title of the next song. But I don't, I think about the meaning for a moment.

Someone tugs on the bottom of my shirt.

I hum and turn towards the tug. It was a little girl with her hair in two pigtails. Her hair reached her waist. She wore a dirty white shirt with rainbow pineapples on them along with jeans and shoes with two different colored laces. I crouch to her height and notice her holding something behind her back.

I pause the music and take my headphones off. "Hey, what's your name?"

Her freckled cheeks were naturally blushed. "I'm Airi and..." she shows me what she had behind her back. It was a bright red flower with yellow in the middle. "I wanted you to have this. You're really pretty, ya know. I beat you're the prettiest girl in the whole world!"

I blush and take the delicate flower out of her hands. I lay it above my ear and smile at the girl. "Thank you, this made my day." It really did. "My name is (Y/N)." I make eye contact with the young girl. "Did you know that your name means love and affection?"

"Wow," her eyes shine. "Really? That's so cool!"

"It suits you too." I was tempted to give her a hug but I stopped myself.

"Can I hug you?" the girl cocks her head to the side.

I gasp by her sudden question, but smile. I get on my knees and give her a hug, slightly squeezing her. The girl wraps her arms around my neck and nuzzles her head into my cheek. This feels... amazing. I vision starts to blur. A few tears fall down my face.

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