7 - Fangirl Over Me

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Had to edit the age for the last chapter lol, apparently, Jason is twenty or so, had to up Emily's age lol tho only by a year so barely anything but meh, it works out with my plans for the future ngl 🤭

Emily was up on her feet the next day. She had spent a week with the Titans, during which she found out they were training them to be superheroes at the Tower, a long time dream of hers. Dick was teaching her general fighting techniques, Kory was teaching her how to fully unleash her powers and Rachel had offered to help her control her powers although Emily had a feeling Dick had gotten her to do it. Her opinions on the Titans stemmed from the time she spent with them during these classes which was why she didn't know much about anyone else except them, Jason and Gar.

She was so starstruck being taught by her idol and former crush that she worked hard with her physical fitness, absorbing everything he taught her because she didn't want to disappoint. Kory was really fun and she was always kind to Emily, even though she was still too scared to let herself feel her powers completely so they simply practised using their powers against each other instead. Lastly, Rachel didn't bother conversing with her, they spent their time together either meditating or trying other ways they found on the internet to control their powers. Emily didn't need the class because she had always held herself back when it came to her powers but Rachel was chill and it was a nice way to hang out with her.

The others either politely moved past her when they crossed paths with a simple "hello" here and there A.K.A. Dawn and Connor or simply walked past like she didn't matter; Rose and Hank. She preferred the latter because it made her feel less discomfort than having to go through an awkward smile or brief conversation. She didn't like the awkwardness but she also didn't have the strength to do anything about it, she just complained to Gar every once in a while about them and about Jason who had locked himself in his room since the day they had kissed.

"You know what you should do, Ice Queen?" Gar mumbled after some silence while they were playing video games.

"What? Also, can you die faster? I have lessons with Robin- I mean Dick. Ugh, why can't my inner fangirl drop that Robin thing? I almost called him that three times yesterday, it was so embarrassing!"

"Oh, I was just wondering about the thing with Jason. I think if you really want him to talk to you and tell you what's going in, you should go to his room and bother him a bit. Maybe he'll find your annoyingness as endearing as you've found mine," he said with a proud smirk on his face as his character dodged a blow from hers. Emily blindly messed around with her controller, letting out a soft huff as she mulled his words over.

"Holy Freeman?! You're a genius, Gar, a genius!" She kissed his cheek, patted it twice and dropped the controller. A few seconds after she had left, Gar was about to pause Mortal Kombat 11 but she suddenly ran back into the room, leaving him so shocked as she gripped her controller that she had finished him in seconds. She smiled in victory when her character absolutely demolished his, turning to shut his gaping mouth for him. "I rule, you fool! See you in a bit, Veg!"

When Emily got to Jason's room, she instantly heard yelling that made her freeze up. Dick was calmly seated on the bed, eyes shut like he was trying to repress a bad memory and arms folded while Jason's hands were thrown up incredulously in the air just as she opened the door.

"Do you seriously expect me to stay in the same room as the lot of you when this entire group you want me to call a 'team' could never trust me enough for any sort of 'bond' to grow?! They threw me under the bus, you all did!"

"I'm not asking anything related to trust," Dick stated calmly as he got up, noticing Emily at the door. Jason caught the flicker of his gaze and turned, frowning slightly at the sight of Emily.

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