She couldn't break her gaze away from the sight as her insides flourished in between unconcealed exasperation. Vera fisted the shirt that splayed torn across Lionel's torso. "I wish to die here Lionel. That's all I have ever wanted." She blinks the tears away, as her hand played with Alexander's foul fingers

Vera thought it herself, there was no world that existed where Alexander died and she hadn't. Alexander was immortal, royalty in all his finest. He was suppose to be her never ending wave of raw intimacy, love, and passion. A true King.

Over coated in destiny.

Why had the flames burned out so quickly? Where had my love run out...

Long Live The King

Lionel had only nodded, sniffling before arousing to his feet once again. His brother, Adonis, had succeeded in penetrating Alexander's pack walls. He had found the perfect vulnerable moment to seize Alexander's pack. He took his time when the moment was right, to slaughter everyone and to claim the women of Alexander's pack.

Adonis watched from the corner of the room as Alexander's people died, tormented and killed without mercy and Adonis didn't even have to lift a finger. He carried the head of his biggest accessory to this all, his secret accomplice, who Adonis had killed just for the fun of it. He carried a severed head in between his arms as a ghostly smirk charmed his pink lips. Adonis uses his opposite hand, covered in blood, to tussle his dead accomplice's dirty blonde hair. Their green eyes were swimming in detest and greed.

He throws Heidi's head across the room in a ball of burning yellow and white hell fire. He watches as his sister's head burn, melting into mush without the glitter of remorse or guilt. He had won this time.

Weeks ago Adonis had killed his father, staking his declaration on the whole kingdom. Unbeknownst to this, Adonis still had not been satisfied. He had the thrown, the abundance.
Nevertheless, He still was missing one last material, the final puzzle piece to his entire end game and it was her... his mate. Adonis had needed a Luna.

Vera watched Adonis with discernment, he waves at her before deciding to close in on her and Lionel. He approached the two masses, stepping over dead bodies, he drowned out all noise s he focused on his prize.

Adonis and Lionel were the wicked twins, which meant Lionel was always going to be kept alive. Neither of them could live nor survive without the other. Their souls were an equilibrium which needed to exist. A threshold between the unloving and the gravely damned. They were more than blood relatives, they were two parts of the same coinage. The same way as they lived together, they would share the same fate as they shared a single mate. Vera was intended for a higher purpose than Alexander.

She was intended for them, in this lifetime. If only she had not chosen Alexander.

Vera looks up toward Lionel with mercy in her soft brown optics. "Please don't let him take me Lionel," Vera fist the pants on his leg. She looked over toward Alexander who even in death remained fluently stiffen and solid. "You have to do it, you have to kill me!" Vera pleas.

Lionel doesn't hesitate this time, and he knew Adonis would want to keep her alive, just so he could use and impregnate her with his seed. So he did what any other decent man and mate would do for the woman he loved. In a weaker moment, she had shown him mercy. Lionel had to follow suit, and return the favor.

He takes the dagger made from the clock pieces, the only known item that could kill a royal lycan and uses it as a stake, driving it through her haven, her heart. Not missing this time like Vera had.

Lionel  and Adonis finally began to exit the ruined torture chambers and set the whole place on fire, as they walk side by side in the wood. In search of another palace for their conjoined packs, and possibly even another woman.

Destined to be their mate.

Another female would soon be born, it was only a matter of time. After all, a new mate was predestined every few years.

They just had to wait.


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Should I do a sequel?

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