Chapter 9: "Tadashi is Here"

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Im asking for an apology for any grammar error... :((((
Please enjoy. :D

The cricking sound of the window echoes all through out the bedroom. Tadashi slowly scanned the room before getting in. It is 1:00am says the clock.

Tadashi quietly closed the window, hoping not to wake up the sleeping Hiro.

On the other side of the bed reveals Hiro's eyes wide open. "NOW!!! GET HIM BAYMAX!!!" Hiro commanded Baymax who was just hidding not far from Tadashi's standing area.

Baymax acted fast but Tadashi was faster. He dodged every attack Baymax threw at him. Hiro was so suprised he ran at the switch to see the face of the intruder.

"John???" Hiro raised a brow, while staring at Tadashi. "Hey.." Tadashi said while out of breath. "Mind if I drop by?" He just smiled nervously at Hiro.

Tadashi took a sip from his tea then Hiro spoke while placing the teapot on the table, "what do you mean she's not at her apartment?" Hiro asked with concern, almost panicing. "Yeah, the old land lady told me to look for her..." Tadashi said. Hiro walked around in circles, "...w w wwe have to look for her.." He stopped and looked at Tadashi, "she could be in trouble!!" Tadashi stood up and placed a hand on Hiro's shoulder, "i'll help.. she's important to me too." Hiro stare at Tadashi then smirked. They both nod.

Hiro and Tadashi opened the awesome garage where they both worked in since they were young. Hiro sat on his chair while Tadashi sat on his sofa. "Ok... How would we find her.." Hiro kept sliding across the garage from left to right, scanning his documents, around the map of San Fransokyo.

Tadashi sat quietly while his brother kept whinning and whinning while sliding from area to area.

Hiro stopped from his track and stare at Tadashi. Little did Tadashi know, Hiro sat infront of him, gazing at him while he thinks. "W w what are you doing?" Tadashi stuttered. Hiro put his hand under his chin, "you know, I had a brother before, older brother." Tadashi put his full attention to Hiro, "yeah, I know, you told me remember..why opening it up?" He asked. "It's just, weird.." He stood up again, "everytime im with my older brother, he always knows what to say, he always knows what do and act.." With that, he sat down. "Right now.. I just dont know..."

Tadashi made a pitiful face and thought of something else to cheer Hiro.

"So... What's the plan?!" Tadashi hovered Hiro smiling at him. Hiro just looked up then stopped for a moment to think, "we need to locate her first, that way, we'll identify it easily on how to get in and out." Tadashi stood up straight then held his chin," if im not mistaken, she was using your jacket... Right?" Hiro turned to Tadashi," yeah.. What are yo-" then it hit him, "OFCOURSE!!! MY JACKET!! SHE'S WEARING MY JACKET!" Hiro slide to the other side, "we could actually track her down by relocating her, by the use of my jacket!" With that, Hiro pressed random buttons that made his monitor showed the map of the whole San Fransokyo.

It scanned for a few minutes then a red dot appeared "Gotcha!" Hiro smiled with delight then download the location. He took his helmet and uploaded it there.

Hiro smiled brightly again and turned to Tadashi, "If you're going to help me out... you're gonna need some upgrades." Hiro rubbed his chin with his fingers while studying Tadashi from top to buttom, which made Tadashi feel uncomfortable. "I wont be a burden i swear.. After all i owe her one...." Tadashi smiled cheekily while blushing. Hiro smiled a raised a brow. "How?"

Tadashi went his way to Hiro's laptop and ignored him. Hiro sneak behind him while watching Tadashi do his thing,

Hiro stayed quiet while Tadashi kept doing his armour.

Finally, Tadashi stood up and face Hiro with a big smile, "there! What do you think little buddy?!"

Hiro just stared at Tadashi with his, unbelievable-face. He burst forward and punched Tadashi on the face, hard.

Tadashi backen a bit and held his sore cheek-meat. "Www what is that fo-" he was about to rampage, but stopped when he saw Hiro shivering.

Hiro's fist was closed tight then he wiped his tears away. Tadashi just stood infront of him, unable to say anything.

"TT TTTadashi..." Hiro said, but Tadashi chuckled nervously,"what are yo-" Hiro cut him, "YOU'RE...Tadashi... Right?" Tadashi just bowed his head, because he knew it is time to stop with the lying. "I... I i i i... Hiro" Tadashi sound so guilty. Hiro grabbed his older brother's jacket and pulled him closer, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!!!! WHY ARE YOU!!! Why are you... Doing this...why are you lying to me.." Hiro stared at Tadashi's eyes.

"Hiro..." Tadashi said with a sad tone, " sorry man.. I was going to tell you but.. I have to hide it from everyone, because-" "WHAT!?? BECAUSE OF WHAT?! what could possibly be the reason Tadashi?!" Hiro shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Tadashi" Baymax said who was standing at the door. The Hamada brothers turn to look at Baymax. Tadashi smiled and look at Hiro then Baymax again with excitment, "Baymax!" Tadashi jumped with joy and went toward Baymax. "Hey there buddy!? Glad to see you all shaped up!" He said while admiring his work and how great it turned out.

Hiro just followed behind Tadashi while putting his hands inside the pocket of his jacket. He sniffed the rest of the tears away then smiled at his brother. "I upgraded him, till you see how he fight crimes with his battle armour."

Tadashi froze then turned around to look back at his little brother, "you what...." Hiro just made an awkward face. Totally forgotten the anger he had earlier.

Tadashi held the middle of his eyebrows and massage it, "i dont know which one would be mad about.. The part when you upgraded Baymax?" tadashi made an annoyed face, "or the part when you said my 'robot nurse' was a crime fighting-" before he went berserk Baymax hugged him from behind, which made Tadashi lost and confused. "tadashi is here...welcome back, Tadashi" with that, Baymax hugged him tighter.

Tadashi made a warm smile, "Baymax.." Baymax let go Tadashi, "Hiro was a great help, he upgraded me to help me to become a better healthcare companion." Tadashi just laugh and held Baymax's chest, "you're already are buddy.. As long as you're helping people" He turn to look at Hiro, "im proud of who ever or whatever..... you had become." Hiro smiled showing his gap-tooth.

"Let's save (y/n)...together.." Tadashi reached his fist for Hiro, he stared at Tadashi's hand and put them to his face, for the longest time, they both made their brotherly bro-fist. With that, Hiro looked up to his brother and unexpectedly hugged him "nii-san.. I.. I missed you.. Dont ever leave me again...promise?" Tadashi stared at his younger brother but smiled warmly, "i wont...i promise.." He hugged Hiro back.

Hiro smiled and look at both Tadashi and Baymax, "alright! Let's go save (y/n)!!" They both looked at each other, then smirked-nod.

Ill end chapter 9 here, hope you guys liked it... T_T

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