Part 17

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Jackson, Payton and I were sitting around the fire pit talking about god knows what. I put my head on Payton's shoulder as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. I closed my eyes for a second and Payton kissed my head. I smiled and opened my eyes to look up at him.

"Probably the best birthday I've had," Payton said and I smiled.

"Good to know," Jackson said and Payton looked down at me.

"You still haven't given me my birthday present," Payton said and I stood up.

"C'mon," I said and put my hand out. He took it and Jackson looked at me questionably.

"What's his birthday present?" Jackson asked and I just ignored him and took Payton up to my room.

"What did you get me?" Payton asked sitting on my bed.

"Something," I said and climbed onto his lap. He smirked and held my waist.

"Does this have to do with what you bought from Victoria's Secret?" He questioned.

"Yes but I decided to skip that," I said and he licked his bottom lip. I connect our lips and Payton instantly kissed back and flipped us over. He grinned into the kiss and moved his hips against mine literally dry humping dumbass. We broke apart for a second and Payton took his shirt off and threw it across my room. I traced my fingers down to the button on his jeans. He broke the heated kiss again and leaned his forehead on mine.

"Do you really want this?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah," I said and he started kissing me neck. I leaned my head, giving him more of an access and quietly moan. He smirked against my skin and nibbled on my neck. I tangled my fingers into his hair and he smirked again. He sat up again and I did too as he took off my shirt. He smiled again before trailing kisses down my chest and stomach. He stopped at the waist line of my leggings and looked up at me. Payton smirked before my door bursted open. Payton quickly covered us with my blanket and I hid my face in his chest, out of embarrassment.

"What the fuck?!" Jackson shouted.

"Jackson get out!" I shouted.

"I'm telling mom," Jackson said.

"You're the one that told me to do this," I said and Payton looked at Jackson.

"You told her to have sex with me?" Payton asked.

"It was like a minute conversation since she couldn't find you anything, And I was Joking," Jackson yelled the last part.

"What's going on in there?!" Austin shouted from down the hall.

"Nothing," I shouted back and Payton got up. I held my blanket up to my chest and looked at the both of them.

"Dude leave," Payton said and Jackson shook his head.

"Not if you're going to screw my sister," Jackson argued.

"I'm not,"Payton said and I quickly put my shirt back on while they were arguing.

"How do I know you're not gonna do anything," Jackson asked.

"Because you literally ruined the moment and she's dressed," Payton said and Austin appeared at my door.

"Jax you need to chill if he says they won't do anything you should trust him, he's your best friend," Austin said and Payton nodded.

"Y/N?" Jackson questioned, looking at me.

"We won't do anything, I promise," I said and Jackson sighed.

"Goodnight then," Jackson said before leaving.

"But like if he hadn't walk in what would've happened?" Austin asked.

"I don't know," I said and Payton sat with me.

"You might've ended up pregnant dumbass and mom would've killed you," Austin said and I rolled my eyes.

"Austin we have protection," I said and looked at Payton. He nodded and smiled at me. I got up and left the room to go find Jackson leaving Payton and Austin alone.

Payton's POV

"Either way My sister wasn't loosing her virginity to a kid she just met over a month ago, I can see where Jackson is coming from," Austin said and I looked at him questionably

"What do mean you can see where he's coming from?" I asked.

"You might be his best friend but she comes first before anyone or anything, you of all people should know that, Jax was all Y/N had and Im seeing their relationship lesson the closer you get to her," Austin said.

"She's Changed a lot since you've been here but if her changing causes a fight I'm gonna have to be the one the fix it," He continued and I looked at the floor

"I get how protective y'all are of her and all I was trying to do was to show her what being loved felt like," I explained.

"Getting into her pants doesn't show that and if you break her fucking heart at the end of the summer you'll be dead Moormeier," Austin threatened.

"I'm not gonna hurt her, Jeez you're as bad as Jackson. Y'all don't trust a word I say, " I argued.

"Because it's about our sister dip shit, she's not just another girl you can fuck with one day and throw away the next, she's been through hell and back. If you wanted to help you should've just went back home before shit got serious between you two," He shouted.

"What?" Y/N questioned behind Austin.

"Payton what is he talking about?" She questioned again.

"Nothing," I said but was cut off.

"He's just another lying asshole, We got the call from his mom saying their house was finished at least two weeks after he got here. But your little boyfriend said he wanted to stay to see how close he could get to you," Austin said and I looked at Y/N trying to get a look of disbelief but nope.

"Payton get the fuck out of my room," She cried. I got up from her bed and went over to her in the hallway.

"Y/N please let me explain," I slightly begged.

"What's there to explain Payton, when Jax called me another one of your targets was that true?" She cried.

"At first but then I really got to know you and saw how amazing you are," I said, trying to get some type of forgiveness. I really don't want to loose her.

"Bullshit," she spat and I sighed.

"I'm sorry," I said and she was now standing in her doorway.

"Fuck you," she cried and slammed her door. I wiped the tears from my cheeks and looked over to where Jackson was standing in his doorway.

"I knew it this whole time," Jackson said and I shook my head.

"I didn't want to hurt her," I argued.

"Well you just did," Jackson said before closing his door. I let my head hang and went over to the guest room. I fell onto the bed and realized I forgot my shirt in her room. I heard her sobs from here and just put on a different shirt, not wanting to bother her. Not gonna lie I was actually falling hard for her then fucked everything up.

"Shit," I cursed and threw a pillow across the room. It hit the door before it opened.

"Payton, Y/N told me to give you your phone," Greyson said and handed me my phone before leaving. I quickly dialed my sister's number talked to her about what was going on. She told me to just give Y/N space and to probably stay in a hotel for a couple of days. Which I didn't want to but I don't think having Austin, Jackson and Y/N mad at me all that the same time is good.

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