Part VI

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From: 0912*******

‘Can I ask you as my date on the Grad Ball? I am Josh. Drew’s friend. Still remember? =)’

I was quite annoyed. Yes. I still do remember him but I really want Drew to be my date at the Grad Ball. Then to my surprise, I received another message from that anonymous number which happened to be Kuya Josh's.

From: 0912*******

‘Drew actually asked Eowyn as his date. Mark asked Lara. Colleen already has her date. Then I asked you. Just saying. =)’

Arggh! I don’t think he needs to tell me this. I know that Ate Eowyn was asked by Drew to be his date. I am the one who insist on Drew to ask Ate Eowyn. I know, martyr? But they are really good together. I don’t what Kuya Drew partnering with this Lara girl.

To: 0912*******

‘Okay Kuya Josh. Where are we going to meet?’

From: 0912*******

‘I’ll fetch you up! See you!’

Alright. So he is more of a stalker? He knew my number and now he know where my house is. Good. He is starting to freak me out. Anyways, I still saved his number for future use.

Two days before the Grad Ball. Three days before Graduation.

I did not go to school today. I am not feeling well. But when Martha, Ryan and Kuya Drew texted me why am I not in school, I just said I’m too lazy to attend the class. I hope I will feel better tomorrow. It will be a total turn off if I will sneeze all throughout the ball.

I have another concern. I need another fairy god mother for the ball. I don’t have anything to wear. It should be an elegant dress. As I said, I am more of a jeans and a shirt fan. I need to ask the help of Martha again. I hope she is available. I hope she has extra formal dresses for me.

*sneeze!* Argh! I hate having colds.

-- KUYA DREW =) calling…--


Save your smile

Everything fades through time

I’m lost for words

Endlessly waiting for you

Stay with me

Yes I know this can’t be

As Morning Comes,

I say good bye to you when I’m done to the Sun

Because I’ve been waiting for you, waiting for this,

Dream to come true, just to be with you.

And if die, remember this line:

"I’m always here, guarding you life..........”

It was late when I’ve realized that someone’s calling me. I really feel undisturbed each time I hear that song. It was for Kuya Drew. Then to my surprise, it was Kuya Drew who’s calling.

“Kuyaaaaa! Hello!” I answered this call with full energy

“Hello Kaila. How are you?” then I smiled. He does not call me as ‘little sister’ or ‘sissy’

“I’m good. I’m just really lazy to go to school today.” I pursed my lips because I lied.

“Haha, maybe you are preparing too much for the Grad Ball.”

“Not really. Just lying here in my bed all day. Where are you?”

“Just finished finalizing my papers. Graduation rehearsals postponed for today. I want to eat with you but too sad you’re not here.” I can fell that he really mean it, that he is really sad.

Note to myself: STOP EXPECTING.

I wanted to give meaning to what he just said but I should stop it. I don’t want to be hurt again.

“Really? Aww. Try to ask Ate Eowyn. Hehe.” I try to sound very lively as possible. I try to sound like I really mean it.

“Kaila!!” he complained.

“Okay. Okay.  Just kidding.” then I smiled. I don’t know. But I really felt happy when he said that. It’s like he will never like Ate Eowyn despite how many times I’ve pushed him to her. So his heart is still single.

“You must go to school tomorrow. Okay?”

“I will try Kuya. Hehe.”

“Don’t try. Do it. Or else, I’ll be mad at you. I won’t dance you in the ball. Bye!”

then the call ended.

“or else I won’t dance you in the ball.”

“or else I won’t dance you in the ball.”

“or else I won’t dance you in the ball.”

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I need to go to school tomorrow! I need to! I jumped in my bed and danced like I won in the lottery. I forgot about the fact that he could still ask me to dance with him in the ball though he is not my escort. That line, thought I was a bit slow of processing those lines, made my day.

*sneeze!* Argh! I need to feel better first. I will take a rest and drink a lot of water and take medicine. For you Kuya Andrew Lastimosa, I will. 



*sorry, quite short. May song kase yung next. Baka maLoaded pa sa kantahan 'to*

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