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Hey everyone!

I am so so so excited this story is finally out! My friends helped a lot with the story concept for the first part; I hope you enjoy what they helped me come up with!

As you've probably already figured out, the fanfics have veered away from the show, mainly because I had to change some things up so it followed how the story line of the fanfics was heading. And I also I wrote it before some major Season 3 episodes, so some of the things that have happened may already be de-bunked.

Also, I highly recommend reading fanfics 3, 5, and 6 before reading this one. They play an important part in the build up to this fanfic. The other fanfics are important too, but those three hold the really big plot points that come into play in this fanfic. If you don't want to read the others though, or you read them and forgot some of the details, I've included a recap of the all the previous fanfics so you can refresh yourself on the details before you start this one.

I am sure I am going to get many questions along the lines of: Is this the last fanfic in the series? The answer is: no, it is not the last in the series. There is a bit of a cliffhanger that will set up the next fanfic, which will be the last in the series. I was going to end it with this one, but from a fan point of view I really wanted to explore some of the relationships that start at the end of this fanfic; it also gave me the chance to dive deeper into one of the story's beloved characters, and it gave me time to reveal some other things so I didn't have to rush it with this one.

A few disclaimers before you start: The characters and base story belong to the awesome Thomas Astruc, and the amazing cover photo belongs to the artist who created it.

I really hope you guys enjoy this fanfic! Please please please leave comments; they are much appreciated! Until next time!

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