The Christmas Party

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⚠️🍋⚠️ <<<< This means sexual content coming. If you do not like it, then do not read. Thank you. - REI


I rushed into the Slytherin common room and flew straight up the steps to the girls dormitory. Today was the day of Slughorn's party. I had been both dreading, and counting down to this day. My heart was pounding, I've had a crush on Riddle for a while now. He seemed the only wizard capable of challenging me. That's what I needed, a challenge. I could see why many found him intimidating. Nobody is able to hold themselves quite the way he does, or enter a room and instantly own it while looking half interested. All of it drew me to him though. I couldn't help but admire him. 

Going to my trunk I dug through seemingly endless useless articles of clothing. Finally I fished out a emerald green floor length dress . It was silky fabric and open backed, I paired it with black strappy heels. I stood in front of the floor mirror and turned looking myself over.  That ought to do for that. I then put my hair in an elegant twist before putting my silver locket back on, then added my silver serpent ring to my finger. I blew air between my lips, glaring at myself in the mirror now before looking around. I'd never really used cosmetic charms, but now seemed as good a time as any to try them for the first time. I muttered under my breath, swiping my wand over my lashes. They were now darker, fuller and longer. Giving me almost siren eyes. 

I turned away from the mirror before I was tempted to do more experimenting when I was meant to be meeting Riddle downstairs soon. I threw the clothes that littered the floor back into my trunk before exiting. Then I stood at the top of the stairs, his voice drifted up them. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath through my nose. He's just a guy, you can do this. Don't let a guy rattle you.

I started down the stairs slowly, then Riddle came into view. He was standing with another Slugclub member, smiling charismatically as the other told a story while laughing. Suddenly the other guy looked over and did a double take, his laughter cutting off as he nudged Riddle. Our eyes met then and my stomach clenched, I was suddenly feeling quite silly and insecure. Was this how others felt under his gaze? He broke the gaze first, saying something to his friend who slapped his back before walking out, then he advanced to meet me at the bottom of the steps. 

"Riddle." It was the only form of greeting that was rattling in my head at the moment.

"Black." He replied quietly. He started circling me then, looking like a lion stalking prey as his eyes moved over me. I reached to my neck and nervously ran my thumb over the Black family crest on my locket. He came to a stop once he was standing in front of me again and pulled out his wand.

"You look lovely." He said with a smirk as he tapped his wand against his tie, it changed from a black to emerald green as well. I blinked regaining my composer, the tension seemed to leave the room. I took him in then, he was wearing a black three piece suit, his dark hair gelled and styled.

"As do you, Riddle." I replied smiling, glad then that I had this dress packed. Anything else would have looked drab next to him. He returned the smile and held out his arm. 

"Shall we go ahead?" I nodded and took his arm allowing him to lead us out of the common room. The halls were eerily quiet, my heels clicked as we walked arm in arm. 

"So how long have you been apart of the Slugclub?" I asked conversationally. He chuckled a little, looking at me from the corner of his eye. "Professor Slughorn scooped me up second year. He caught me making a Felix Felicis potion, and was surprised I hadn't messed it up." I nodded, remembering Professor Slughorn bragging about his teaching ability. 

"Why haven't you joined?" He asked as music started to drift through the corridors as we neared the classroom the party was being held. I shrugged a shoulder, trying to seem uncaring. But my face burned, the truth was I hated the thought of being singled out as great only to turn our mediocre. 

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