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I woke up feeling stiff. I stretched and sat up, a blanket falling off me. I  realized I was on the common room couch. I looked around the room confused, the only light coming from the burning coals. The room was still, my books were stacked neatly on an end table. I yawned and rubbed my eye as I looked at my watch. 2:40 am. I grunted not wanting to move but knowing I needed to get up to mine and Druella's dorm.

I went to collect my books and saw a piece of parchment sticking out from one. I furrowed my brow and slid it out from between the pages. It was folded in half with my name written in tiny neat script. I unfolded it and casted a lumos charm to read it. 


You fell asleep during our studying. I tried to wake you, but you hardly stirred. Seeing as I cannot enter the girls dormitory, I laid you on the couch. Don't worry, we got most of the work done. I'm sure you'll be able to write a strong finishing statement, 

- Riddle

It took a few reads for it to sink into my groggy brain. Me and Riddle had been studying all week, seems my body needed rest. I tried to remember falling asleep, or even feeling drowsy. But trying made my brain tingle in sleepy annoyance. I gave up and grabbed my things before dragging myself to the dorms. 

I cracked the door open, trying not to wake my room mate. I could hear her steady breathing as I crept to my bed, stopping at my trunk. I threw my books and robe in, then gently tucked the note from Tom into a side pocket of the trunk. Deciding it was safe from being crumpled I gently closed the lid and climbed into bed. The thought of  the small note kept me up a while though I was tired. I lay turning it over thinking about it, smiling to myself in the dark until sleep snuck up on my again. 

Druella woke me up the next morning, she was muttering to herself and slamming things around as she got ready. Checking the clock I saw it was 6:30, I groaned pulling my pillow back over my head. My classes didn't start until later today. I closed my eyes again, but as I relaxed my stomach protested the idea of going back to sleep. I threw my pillow to the end of the bed as I sat up, at lease I got to start the day with potions. 

I got up, taking my time to wake up in the hot shower, then dressed quickly throwing my robe over my outfit. I took the dorm stairs two at a time, excited to get to breakfast. When I reached the bottom I saw Tom standing with his friends. My cheeks heated at the sight of him, suddenly wondering if I snore. I had never thought of that before. He turned suddenly, I went to wave at him but my hands halted next to my head. He barely nodded at me before turning back to his friends. They continued they're conversation as they walked out together. My hand dropped onto my shoulder and I exhaled through my lips. Oh well I'll catch up with him in the great hall.

Except he wasn't there this morning, in fact none of the Slug Club was. They must have had an early meeting or something. The good thing about Tom being busy was that I got to sit with Victor and Druella this morning. I quickly made my was over to them and sat next to Druella. 

"Well look who it is. Riddle's girl in the flesh." Victor teased. "I was starting to think you'd forgotten about us. It's been awhile." I snorted grabbing some eggs, sausage and beans. 

"Like I could ever forget you, you call attention to yourself where ever you go with your stench." I said taking a bite of my food, then grabbed some sliced strawberries as well. "I've just been busy, sorry about that." I really did feel awful. 

"Yeah real busy sneaking into our room at 3am" Druella grumbled. I grimaced. 

"Sorry I was sure you were sleeping." She shook her head. 

TomRiddleXReader||: This Can't Be LoveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin