Faking It

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I sat in front of a large window in the library with Eileen, and Druella. We were supposed to be studying but had somehow ended up just gossiping. Druella was dishing on her on again off again relationship with Avery. They were currently off, and she was claiming it was permanent this time.

"No honestly!" She nearly shouted, blushing as Eileen giggled at her. "I've been meeting with Cygnus and he's much more a gentlemen." She crossed her arms raising her nose. I groaned at the mention of my cousin, rolling my eyes. The girls attention was suddenly drawn away. 

"Black, may I speak to you for a moment?" The silk voice made the hairs on the back of my neck stand. I turned to see Riddle had materialized in our cozy corner. I looked back to Eileen and Druella and they were giggling shooing me away. It wasn't the first time he pulled me away from them, but they didn't know that. He'd never ask me, it was weird that he suddenly was since he was the one that insisted we keep things between us private.

My hands got clammy as I stood and followed him a few rows over into an empty isle of books. It felt strangely secluded, though we were still in the library and students were all around us. It was like that with Riddle at times. He seemed like he was above the rest, in his own world, and sometimes he bring me into it. Only for a moment, then he'd drop me back on earth and watch me whirl around trying to re-adjust. 

"What is it Riddle?"  He adjusted his tie, then pulled a bouquet a flowed from his robes. I looked around us confused. He rolled his eyes and held them out further, they made a small rustle noise as he shook them slightly.

"For me?" I asked, unable to keep the skepticism from my voice. 

"Well obviously Black." He spat out clearly frustrated. I brushed off his brashness and took the flowers. Roses, a bit cliche. Something simple, like hand picked wild flowers would have meant more. But this was Riddle. It was a sweet gesture none the less, which confused me more.

"Thanks Riddle, but-" 

"Black I want you to be my girlfriend." He said cutting me off. My eyes flew from the flowers to him. My confusion bubbling into excitement. Was it possible that in these past months, his feelings had grown? I felt like I was going to vom right here. 

"What?" I whispered, biting my lip to keep from smiling as I furrowed my brow. He smirked and leaned into my ear. 

"I don't think I want to share your attention, it will be easier to do what we do if everybody thinks were dating. Nobody would question why your boyfriend is whisking you away. It would be beneficial for both of us." He stood straight again, pulling away from me. My heart dropped, I suddenly wanted to throw up for a whole other reason. I swallowed the lump I felt forming in my throat. People started to slowly pass the isle we took up, some even browsing the isle next to us pulling books from the shelf. I nodded and smiled in case anybody was paying attention to us. I know lots of girls were curious about Riddle, watching his every move. 

"I'd love to be your girlfriend Riddle." He smiled down at me.

"Don't be silly (y/n), call me Tom."

My eyes stung.

"Of course."

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