He hadn't even tried to fight back.

My attacks hadn't even been able to hurt him.

I summoned another ball of fire, trying my best to concentrate on the flames as the man in front of me began to chuckle, sending another burst of wind at me that made me stumble to the floor.

I needed the Fire of Ambros.

But I wasn't able to control it, to summon it.

"You're a pathetic excuse of an heir," Daios sneered, the pressure inside the ballroom dipping even lower as he stalked toward me.

"I'll make sure to enjoy it when I burn you to the ground."

A wave of panic and desperation washed over me as I watched him get closer and closer, his black hat covering his features in darkness that made me unable to see anything but those horrifying eyes of his.

He sent another wave of lightning in my direction, hitting me this time, and I let out a pained cry as I felt my right leg go numb, scrambling back.

He raised his hand again, about to repeat the gesture when he suddenly took a step back as a purple flame hit him right in the stomach, looking more annoyed than anything.

He didn't even flinch, I realized, feeling my heart sink.

"Rash decisions always end up getting someone hurt, princess," Daios growled, sending another yet another bolt of lightning at me, hitting me in the chest this time.

My ribs ached and I choked back a sob as I felt backwards.

"And you're already in a vulnerable position as it is, y/n."

I tried to catch my breath, to get back on my feet, but my body wouldn't listen.

Another flood of purple sparks soared in my direction, and I felt a wave of electricity shoot up the left side of my body.

The pain wasn't far behind, and I clutched my heart desperately as I cried out in desperation, feeling my bones aching, my lung screaming for air as Daios towered over me.

"Why?" I managed to croak, "Why didn't you just kill me the moment you saw me? Why wait until now? What was the point of having me here, giving me the crown-"

"Oh, my dear y/n," Daios sighed, crouching down and keeping his eyes trained on mine, those stormy grey orbs of his devoid of any empathy, remorse, or emotion.

Devoid of any warmth.

Grey, like San's, and yet so drastically different.

"A man's gotta have his fun as well, hm?"

He stroked my hair gently, and I shivered involuntarily before jerking back again as another wave of electricity surged through my veins, holding back tears.

"Where's San?" I whimpered, feeling so ashamed to have him watch me break, fall apart like this.

"I want to see him. I have to-"

The world outside rumbled as another round of lightning struck.

"Ah, I'm so glad you finally asked," Daios said, lighting up as he stood back up from the floor and kicked me aside.

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