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I stared out through the window, furrowing my brows at the grey and black clouds that were slowly but surely making their way towards the capital.

It rarely rained in Agora, the clouds staying over District 2 where the water elementals resided instead, but as I took a deep breath, I felt absolutely sure. The air smelled wet, and it was loaded with electricity.

It was going to storm, and today, of all days. 

My fingers were turning cold from leaning against the windowsill, and I stood back up, turning my back to the clouds as I brushed off my hands and smoothed down my dress.

Usually, the maids and dressers would have to force me into something like this, but today was a special day, and the dress was a part of it. 

There was no discussion to be had, and I knew that. It was one hell of a dress, though, I thought to myself.

Soft, velvety fabric flowed smoothly from the waist and down into an elegant skirt, and the top was decorated with golden details, gems, and embroidery that glittered and shone as it caught the light from the chandeliers and candelabras, letting small patches of red and orange and red lights dance on the walls as I walked.

They looked like sparks, and I loved it. The chest was open, but not too revealing, and from the shoulders and up, a collar rose up the side of my neck, leading down to two long sleeves that fell all the way to the floor, matching the skirt and flowing almost cape-like behind me as I moved.

The deep red colour of the fabric was my favourite feature, though, as it matched my crimson eyes. 

It was a symbol of my powers, my family, and my heritage.

Another reason why today was special.

A knock on the door made me turn around, and as one of the maids' heads poked through the slightly open door, I felt a surge of nervousness rush through my entire body.

"Your highness," she said, walking in and bowing at me before continuing, "It's time." 

And so, with one last look back through the decorative glass panes of the window, showing the storm clouds that were now even closer than before, I followed her out of the room.

Walking through the palace was nerve-racking, and I couldn't help but squirm underneath the expectant and excited looks that the maids, servants, and guards sent my way as I passed them in the hallways.

I was going to have to get used to it but right now, on top of my already fragile nerves, I felt small and awkward.

It didn't help that it felt as if a heavy cloud of doom was hanging above me, either, my thoughts constantly going back to the storm I had seen in the distance.

I shook it off, though the feeling of wrongness still clung to me as I came to a halt in front of the old wooden doors that were now the only barrier between me and the Kingdom of Avalon.

When the doors of the throne room swung open, a hushed silence fell over the entire crowd that had gathered inside. 

Townspeople and royals alike. Strangers as well as familiar faces.

I took a shaky breath, feeling a little reassured as the royal musicians began their fanfare, raising their trumpets and other wind musical instruments into the air and sending out beautiful melodies into the room.

I imagined the music winding its way in between and above the audience as I made my way towards the people at the other end of the room, trying to fall into step with it.

The king and queen were standing in front of the big windows that took up most of the wall behind the two golden thrones. My father had a certain glint in his eyes as he looked at me, a look of pride, I realized.

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