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"It hope...that out of..this solemn occasion...a better world will emerge..out of the blood and carnage of the past. A world founded upon faith, and understanding. A world dedicated to the wish for freedom..tolerance...and justice!" - Caesar.


Three Years Later


Birds chirped as the night sky began to turn orange and light blue with the rising sun.

It was about this time that the village was still asleep. All apes, sleeping soundly in their homes. Except for one.

A young ape walked onto the edge of a branch from a treehouse and looked out onto the valley.

The young ape, Cornelius, gazed out at the wonderful land. The Apes had all certainly made it a good home for themselves. He couldn't help but be glad for the good life that they had made within the past three years here. It was so peaceful. And the village was quite beautiful as well.

The multiple houses throughout the valley. Some were within the trees, and some were on the ground. It varied, really. What made it even more interesting was that not all of them were houses.

There was a corral for the horses and a fence large fence connected to it. It was a good size since they had many horses. And with more they came across, a certain part of the fence would be taken down in order to make more room. The whole fence was a circle big enough for the horses to walk, eat and sleep peacefully. Near that was a garden. Mainly for fruit trees and other vegetation that they could grow.

By the lake, there was a shed with equipment such as nets and some spears for them to fish with. They had also built a deck that went at least thirty feet into the water so that they wouldn't have to actually go into the lake since, of course, apes can't swim.

Closer to the village, an area where the younglings were taught. Maurice was the teacher there and Bad Ape was his assistant. A bit of a clumsy, amusing assignment, but still a good one. It was good to see Bad Ape having a good time with those around him. It certainly made him feel happy to have more friends.

Lastly, there was a small shack that was the armory. Where they stored all the weapons that they had: spears, bolas, and guns.

Yes, guns. Even though they had had peace for almost three years now, they still had them. There was still a chance that they might need them again one day. But for now, they didn't.

Cornelius smiled at it all, at how far they had come within the past four years. He was now five years old, and doing well for his age as leader of the Apes. It was hard, but fortunately for him, he had Maurice, Rocket, and Lake to help him with it.

Right now, it was still early. And it was during this time that he liked having a little time to himself.

So he jumped from his tree, to another and to another. Running along branches, jumping and swinging from tree to tree. He went through the trees effortlessly, distancing himself from the home and heading further into the nearby forest.

It was a place he found peace and tranquility, especially up in the tall trees. So that's where he was going before the sun fully came up pressures of the day with it.


Well, how's that for a slight beginning. A bit of a Lion King-esque piece. 😁 Hope y'all liked it! More to come, so stick around. Or Hang around, rather. 😂

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