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Written by itstilliswhatitis

"No fucking way!" Harry shouts in disbelief and glares at their manager.

"Yeah, second that. What the hell? Wasn't babygate fucked up enough? You forced me to pretend that I have a son for fucks sake! You can't do this Thomas. Larry isn't real. Harry and I are just friends!" Louis argues upset.

Thomas has a firm look on his face.
"We thought that a baby would end the Larry rumors once and for all but unfortunately we didn't get the outcome we were expecting. There's still a lot of fans out there who ship the two of you as a couple."

"So what? Let them!" Louis huffs.

"That's exactly what we're gonna do. You had your hiatus. It's time to put the band back together but our latest poll shows us that you have lost a lot of fans during these eighteen months. That's why we have decided to give them what they want and that's the two of you together." Thomas states.

"This is unbelievable! You spent five fucking years making sure there wouldn't be a Larry Stylinson and now you want us to date?" Harry almost growls. 

"It would just be a stunt. We'll send you on a couple of dates, make sure you'll be papped. This will sell you records. The decision is made." Thomas answers, sounding bored.

"You really don't give a fuck about us and how this will affect our lives? I have a girlfriend!" Louis replies, sounding defeated.

"The two of you will officially break up next week but you can of course see her in your spare time as long as it's not public." Thomas answers.

Harry and Louis just stare at the man.
"Please don't do this to us." Harry pleads.

"You have both signed a contract. This is happening. We'll have a meeting on Thursday to go through the details. That was all." Thomas says dismissively.

Harry and Louis get up and walk out of the office without a word. As soon as they are out of the building Louis turns to Harry.
"Are you okay?"

"No, this is messed up! I can't believe they're forcing us to do this!" Harry says, sounding really emotional.

"I know, but there's nothing we can do about it." Louis says and sighs.

They just stare at each other for a while until Louis starts to speak again.
"It won't be that bad Haz. We get to spend some time together. I really missed you, you know? Now you can finally come out and after one last record and tour our contract is over and we can tell them to go to hell."

"I guess...but what about you? You're straight Lou. The whole world will think you're not. That's fucked up." Harry answers upset. He has tears in his eyes.

Louis scratches the back of his head awkwardly.
"Uhm, yeah, about that. I'm not really straight, like, I guess I'm bi."

Harry stares at him with his mouth hung open.

"Oh, come on. It can't be that much of a surprise." Louis chuckles and shakes his head in amusement.

"Uhm..." Harry is at a loss for words and just stares at Louis dumbfounded.

"Let's go curly, we're supposed to meet the boys." Louis says and drags Harry along by the elbow.

Fifteen minutes later they arrive at the hotel where they are meeting the rest of their bandmates. They get out of Louis's car and head inside.

They have rented the penthouse together so they take the elevator to the top floor. As soon as they enter the room Niall and Liam come running up to them. They all hug it out.
"It's great to see you guys, what's new?" Liam asks.

"Well, apparently Harry and I are dating now." Louis chuckles and is about to explain their management's latest scam but he's interrupted by Niall's squeal.  

"Iiiiiih! Finally! Yes! How? When? Tell me all about it. I need details. Who made the first move? I God, I'm so happy for you guys!" Niall squeals excited, jumping up and down.

Louis looks over at Harry and they both burst out laughing.
"Calm down! Are you high or something? It's a stunt! Our wonderful management's latest move to make my life miserable." Louis chuckles.

Harry isn't laughing anymore but Louis doesn't notice. Liam and Niall exchange a look.
"Oh." Niall simply says, looking disappointed. 

"They're making you date? Liam questions with furrowed eyebrows.

Louis and Harry nod their heads simultaneously. They all walk over to the lounge and sit down.
"They think it will sell more records and we all know our management. Money is everything." Harry explains with a tired voice.    

"That's bullshit! They can't make you do that." Liam protests, visibly upset.

"Of course they can. They own us! Babygate Liam!" Louis answers with an irritated sigh.

"Yeah, I almost forgot about that." Liam mumbles.

"Well, I sure as hell haven't." Louis growls and crosses his arms over his chest.

"We need drinks!" Liam gets up and heads for the kitchen.

There is an awkward silence in the room. Louis and Harry are clearly really uncomfortable with the whole situation. Niall decides to ease the tension.
"It won't be that bad guys. You'll go out and eat, hold hands, and kiss once in a while. It's nothing you haven't done before."

Both Louis and Harry stare at the Irish leprechaun in disbelief.
"What the hell Niall. We're friends. Of course we never kissed. Do you think we'll have to kiss?" Louis says, voice becoming an octave higher in the end.

"Really?" Niall questions and looks between them.

Harry blushes and clears his voice.
"Just friends. Friends don't kiss Niall."

"Oh, okay, I always assumed otherwise." Niall grins.

Liam comes back with beer and hands them one each.
"What did I miss?" 

"They never kissed. Not even once." Niall answers, sounding really disappointed.

Liam looks around. Niall is pouting, looking utterly heartbroken. Louis seems angry and Harry looks like he wants to be anywhere but in that room for the moment. Liam bursts out laughing.
"I really missed you guys!"

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