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Author's note: Okay, I got asked out in the cutest way today, from a good friend no less, like this is the second time in my life this has happened to me...and I'm still squealing inside. Had to turn him down cuz of a promise I made to myself, but I literally almost said yes. Like I'm the type who dislikes romance generally, but lately Idky I've been thinking about having a boyfriend.  *mutters to self* Must have some self-control. *rant over*


I looked up at the sky,

counted the clouds,

and felt so light I could fly.

No more time for shrouds,

when I've never had eyes this dry,

not caring about the crowds,

I threw a pie,

danced to the sounds,

while a million ties

lay scattered across the towns,

stopped all my foolish tries,

and let myself enjoy with no bounds.


Author's note: And yes-the story is here, that a dude accidentally spills a huge package of ties while on an airplane and just..lets go. Kinda how I felt a few hours ago, light enough to fly. No qualms in the world.

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