Why, you?

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A/N: I'm going to change the POV. It'll be 3rd Persons POV. Enjoy reading ❤️


You woke up early so that you could prepare lunch for you and Kenma.
After preparing, you rush towards the bathroom and complete your morning routine.

You just wear your daily wardrobe, sweatpants, and a loose shirt. You have all kinds of dresses, but you like to be simple because that's the reason he fell for you.

Kenma's place is just 10 minutes away, so you decide to walk. It would be nice to stretch some muscles,' you thought.

"Kenma?" you called when you reached his front door.

"Babe?" you called out again. You tried to open the knob, but it was locked.

"Mmm... so tight, baby." You walked slowly towards the window.

A tear fell on your right cheek as you saw an imaginable image. Kenma, he hooked up with your schoolmate. You were about to leave when they started talking about you.

"What about, y/n?" she asked as Kenma passed out above her.

"I'm... ending things with her. She's too ordinary and not hot like you. Dumping her would be easy."

You can't take it; you feel like you're about to pass out. You're not yourself anymore. The scene and insults are getting into you. You saw a medium rock and threw it into Kenma's window.

Both of them looked shocked and nervous at the same time. You turned your back on them and showed them your middle finger.

You got up as soon as you heard your phone ring. It's the school counselor again. Checking if you're fine. You excused yourself as sick, but now you've decided to tell them that you're planning to drop off.

You talked to your parents, and they agreed to your decision; you're going to transfer to Hyōgo. Your parent's hometown, you missed staying there. Even if your parents are abroad.

Days have passed, and you're still not yourself. You kept thinking, "What's wrong with me?" and "Am I not enough?" Being alone got into you, not eating well, and crying all over again and again. You're not functioning well, so you decide to find yourself. Going to Hyōgo might be a good thing for you to overcome this pain.

It's been two weeks since the last time you went to school. You're officially transferred to Inarizaki. It's Friday, and you will be starting on Monday. This is your last day in Tokyo and Nekoma High. You decided to say goodbye to Nekomata-sensei.

"Did she attend class today?"

"Is she okay?"

"Kenma, did you guys fight?"

"Y/n-chan!" All their attention went to you.

"I thought you abandoned us, y/n-chan~ it's so hard handling them on my own," Yaku said as he made a crying face.

You smiled at him. He noticed your swollen eyes. You didn't mind that familiar figure walking toward you.

"Sensei, I'm sorry for skipping practice. I just wanted to give you this and say thank you-" You paused as tears rushed to your cheeks.

They all paused and looked at you. Confused? They're all confused. Why are you tearing up? As Nekomata-sensei reads your transfer letter, you bid goodbye.

"I hope you'll find a deserving manager. I'm so sorry for all the trouble. Thank you for everything. I will miss you all." You bowed and looked at their faces at the same time.

They were all shocked and confused at the same time. Is it because of you and Kenma or family matters?

As you walked out of the gym, you heard them calling your name. You didn't look back, because if you looked back, you might run to him and beg him to choose you.


You woke up in a different room, and panic struck you. But as soon as you got up, you remembered that you were no longer in Tokyo, and tears started to race from your eyes.

You did your morning routine and made yourself breakfast. "Is he eating well?" You thought at the back of your head.

"I miss you already." You mumbled and started to break down.

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