Distance and problems

Start from the beginning

Dean looked up at the sound of your voice and sighed "Fine." He muttered, childishly.

You smiled, but then it quickly faded "Have you heard from Cas." You asked.

He shook his head "No, not at all." He said, and then quickly walked off.

You sighed "I guess I'll have to come back tomorrow?"

You turned to look at Crowley "Yeah, they boys are exhausted from the hunt." You said.

He nodded "Well, I'll see you tomorrow Bumblebee. Take care." He said, and like that he was gone.

You smiled and heard a pair of footsteps entering the library, you smiled "Thought you where heading to be-" you quickly stop yourself once you turned around. Your smile instantly disappearing, there stood Castiel. "Oh." You muttered, "What do you need Castiel?" You questioned using his full name.

You watched as a flash of her went through his eyes, but it was gine as soon as it came "Are Sam and Dean awake?" He asked.

"No, they just went to bed." You answered walking over to the mini fridge, you it open and grabbed a bear popping it open.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

You smiled and turned back to him taking a swig of your beer "Drinking my problems away." You muttered, walking past him. He grabbed your arm and you turned to look at him "What do you want?" You questioned.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Mmhm, yup just fucking peachy." You answered yanking your arm away from him, as you started to walk away.

He sighed "Your mad at me, aren't you?" He questioned.

You scoffed and turned around looking at him "I'm not just mad at you Castiel, I'm fucking furious. Every since that demon hunt with Dean, you've been avoiding me like I don't exist. How the hell do you expect me to react? You never talk with me, or text me. The only people you talk to are Sam and Dean, so tell me. What the fuck did I do, to cause you to distance yourself from me?" You asked.

"Have you stopped loving me or something? I don't fucking understand Cas, you've been hiding something from me. And god damnit I can't figure out what, I just want the old Cas back..." You whispered your voice breaking towards the end. He stared at you shocked of your speech, he looked down disappointed in himself. He didn't say a word and you nodded, tears appearing in your eyes "Figures." You muttered before walking away and back to your room.

You slammed the door to your room and locked it, you threw the half full beer bottle against the wall. You leand back against your door and slumped down to the floor, you choked out a sob and closed your eyes. This time the tears spilling from your eyes, you opend your eyes and ran a hand through your hair. You stood and walked over grabbing your computer, you opened it up and started your search.


What awoke you the next day was pounding on the door, "Go away.." You grumbled.

"Y/n open up now, or I'm kicking the door down!" You heard Dean shout from the other side.

You groaned and climbed out of bed and unlocking the door and pulling it open "The hell do you want?" You mumbled, you didn't miss Dean's shocked expression. And you went surprised at all, you where sure your eyes were puffy and red. And your hair an absolute mess, most of the night you had spent it crying.

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