Chapter 31-its her style

Start from the beginning

"And what then?" Steve asked.

He looked shocked. "Oh my god. Pierce is going to kill me"

"What then!?" I yelled at him.

He stayed quiet for a few seconds before speaking again. "Then the insight hellicarriers scratch people off the list. A few million at a time"

"Okay good enough, we need get there now and stop this" we made our way back to the car, and now we are on our way back to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters.

I sat in the back seat with Natasha, Sitwell on my left side. "Hydra doesn't like leaks" Sitwell panicked.

"Then why don't you try sticking a cork in it" Sam joked, but was mostly serious.

"Insight's launching in 16 hours. We're cutting it a little bit to close here guys" I said from then back seat.

"I know. We'll use him to bypass the DNA scans" Steve explained.

"What!? Are you crazy!?" Sitwell yelled at Steve.

"You don't know the end of it" I shook my head.

Suddenly a loud thump was Hurd from above us, on the top of the car. Then a familiar metal arm yanked Sitwell out of the car throwing him onto oncoming traffic.

Bullets started to go through the roof of the car, Natasha jumped into the front seat on Steve's lap, I shifted into my wolf form and jumped onto the arm rest trying to Dodge the Bullets.

Steve pulled onto the gear of the car causing it to stop and throw the winter soldier off of us, he landed and used his metal arm to stop himself from sliding.

I noticed Natasha had her gun in her hand. "What are you doing! Shoot him!" Before she was able to aim the gun, a Jeep rammed us from behind, sending us forward. My muzzle hit the dashboard.

Winter jumped back onto the car, he rammed his hand through the glass and ripped out the damn steering wheel! "Holy fuck! He just ripped the steering wheel out!" I yelled in panic.

Natasha was able to put a few shots through the roof but none as I can tell hit, they kinda backed off only for them to hit his again causing the car to start to spin out of control. "Hold on!" Steve broke the door of the car, we used the door as a sled, we slid across the ground until we came to a stop.

When we stood up on our feet. In the distance winter brought out a Grenade launcher and fired towards Steve, Natasha and I, Steve pushed Natasha away and I jumped behind a car.

The blast hit Steve's shield sending him flying off the bridge.

"Holy shit!" I Yelled In disbelief at what just happened.

Sam ran behind a car for cover, I ran behind the same car that Natasha was behind.

"Oh shit" I sighed as I saw a grenade come flying to me and nat.

I quickly ran away from the car, Natasha jumped onto the other road, she dogged bullets before she jumped off the of bridge.

"She wants to die I swear" I ran up to Sam who was hiding behind a car.

"We need to get you a gun!" I told him.

I noticed only one guy was still on the bridge. "There it is"

I ran up to the guy before he could jump off the bridge, grabbed onto his arm pulling him away from the ledge, I dropped him to the ground, Sam came up and kicked him in the head nocking him out. "Good one" he breathed out.

He picked up the gun, firing a few shots down rang. I shifted back into my human form. I looked down and saw cap take down a guy with a Machine gun.

"Go! I got this!" Sam yelled for cap to go. Steve took off running.

"I need a way down" I looked around and saw
The wire the guy was going to use. "You got me?" I asked sam.

He nodded. "I got you" I jumped off the bridge, I grabbed onto the rope, my hand started to burn.

As soon as a hit the ground I I shifted into my wolf form and bolted down the street. Blood, I smell blood, but not just anyone's blood, Natasha's. In the distance I saw her leaned against a car. Winter standing on one not to far away read to fire at her.

I jumped onto the car to drop him to the ground but he was able to react quickly enough, he grabbed me by the throat. "traitor" he whispered putting more pressure onto my neck.

He's threw me into a car and then boom! I yelped in pain as a bullet pierced my shoulder, right leg and hips.

I would of been dead if Steve didn't show up, he started to fight him. I used all my strength to get up. I limped over to Natasha. "Sometimes I think you actually want to die" I collapsed next to her.

"Your just as bad as me Elliott" she whispered. My bones snapped as I shifted back into my human form. "Ahh!" I yelled I paid as I sat next to nat.

I stood up when I stopped hearing Steve and winter fighting, the pain in my hips subsided from the Adrenaline rush.

When I saw them, Steve looked shocked, this is the first time he looked like he didn't know what to do. "Bucky?"

winter didn't have his mask on. "Who the hell is Bucky" Sam flew in and kicked him a few feet away.

Natasha picked up winters gun and fired the Grenada at him, when the smoke cleared he was gone.

The last things left was the fire and smoke, sirens roared.

10 trucks drove up to us, agents left the vehicles, guns raised.

"Put your hands up!" A agent on a motorcycle stopped and pointed his gun at me and Natasha, instinctively I put myself in front of her.

In the distance I saw rumlow kick Steve onto his knees, the same with Sam.

A few more agents came up to me, one had a collar in his hand.

They pulled Natasha away from me harshly. "Leave her the hell alone" I went to attack them, but they gabbed me and threw me back. I tried to get them off, Natasha looked like she was in so much pain, I need to help her.

"Get off of me! Don't you see she's hurting!" I yelled, but it wasn't no use, they put the collar on me and instantly I felt powerless, I tried to shift but i couldn't.

They put handcuffs on me and Natasha, leadings us to a van, they put all four of us into the back of the van.

"Have fun wherever you go mutt" the agent teased, i glared at him. He only grinned. "Your lucky I can't do shit, because I would rip your head off" he laughed and shut the door to the van. Natasha sat to my right, Sam to my left and Steve in front of us.

"I bet you wish you could take this back now, don't you Sam" I said quietly.

"Well it was worth it, I had a good time kicking ass"

I chuckled. "Yeah, I did to"

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