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It was around 2am and everyone was hanging around the pool. If I am going to be honest i'm extremely tired and wanna go to sleep already, and Addison will NOT leave me alone. I thought that If I have a few more drinks ill wake up some more so I went into the kitchen and had around 3 shots. Before I knew it I was drunk and I became the life of the party. 

*1 1/2 hours later*

"Tony tony let me get a picture of the newest hype house member" a paparazzi guy yelled at me I went and posed for a picture and he started to take multiple. Then out of no where around 10 other cameras started to take pics of me and I just embraced it. I can't really much of the shoot but I do remember out of no where having my face snatched to the side and getting kissed by Addison. pushing her off I said "ADDISON WHAT THE HELL?!!! YOU KNOW IM DATING PRESLEY" she started to leave but before she left she turned to me and said "I know, I just wanted to give them something to take a picture of". I have got to get home before this picture gets out or gets sent to her. I ran up stairs, Locked my door, and changed my flight to first thing in the morning. The only thing I could thing about was what was Presley going to think..

*presley's pov*

I have such a good weekend. I know that's probably bad to say since Tony isn't here but I've had a girls weekend with teal. Her and ondreaz patched things up so all three of us hung out and we all had SO much fun. Ive talked to Tony a few times only when he's called. He has been super busy out there so I've been trying not to be too clingy. I was worried about the party so I tried to text him as much as possible. He told me he changed his flight to first thing in the morning but im not sure why. I am not complaining though. I was tired and we were all over at Drea and tony's house so I was in the living room talking to Mrs. Lopez and she told me to just stay over so I just went into tony's room and laid down. A few hours later teal and drea came busting through the door telling me to look at my phone. I had TONS of texts, voicemails, dm's, and missed calls. I saw what they were about and it was just one was Tony kissing Addison. "Are you sure you're okay with me leaving Presley" teal said to me sitting on Tonys bed while I was in tears. "Yes leave, you have work in the morning and I have Ondrea with me" I said to her giving her a hug. She left and ondreaz carried me into his room and laid me down on his bed. "My brother is such a dumbass. I'm so so sorry. He doesn't deserve you" he said to me as he held me while I sobbed into his chest I kept repeating that if I did more he wouldn't have kissed anyone else. "You are the most perfect thing to walk this planet. You're beautiful, kind, passionate, loving, and just so much more than you know. This isn't your fault. It's his" he said while getting up to go tell his mom. She came in and consoled me and talked to me. after we talked I felt a lot better. I was still crying but I fell asleep crying into Ondrea's chest. The next morning I woke up to ondreaz saying "Tony is here Presley". I jumped up got dressed and went and sat in his room. He walked in and I said while holding up the picture "what in the hell is this Tony..". He rushed in dropped his stuff and said "please it's not-" I interrupted saying "it's not what It looks like? Save it Tony. When you figure out what youre going to tell me call me and we can meet up but we are not doing this here". I left and texted Ondreaz to talk to Tony and get the real story out of him. He told me he would but he was going to give it time. 

*Ondreaz pov* 

"You fucked up. How could you be such a horndog and loose the best thing to happen to you" I said border line yelling at Tony. "Bro it wasn't like that I swear" Tony said to me. I just left the room. He hurt my best friend. It isn't like I can stick up for him right now. He messed up. 

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