The meet and great

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|Before the meet and greet ~
I was sitting on my bed waiting for my best friend,and also my roommate to return from the store. We had an apartment together in north Las Vegas. I had about 15 minutes until I needed to start getting ready for the Lopez brothers' meet and greet today. The question is what do I wear. *15 minutes passes* I then get out of bed and go into my closet to look for clothes. I found this outfit and threw it on. I wore my hair straight with no makeup besides mascara and lipgloss.

After about 30 minutes into getting ready my best friend Teal got home

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After about 30 minutes into getting ready my best friend Teal got home. She walked to my bathroom (that's inside my room) to get changed before she came out and did her hair and makeup. "You look so good oh my gosh" she said while coming out of the bathroom. She sat down and about an hour later we left to go to where the meet and greet was being held.
~at the meet and greet~
"Jesus this line is so long we're gonna be standing here for forever" - I said to real as we walked up to the line.
" I know but just think about you're going to meet the people you look up to the most once it comes to dance." Teal said as she was snap chatting her boyfriend that's back in Georgia.
"I know but don't say that you're going to make me even more nervous than I already am. What if I stumble over my words or they think I'm weird."
"Presley don't be stupid. You're beautiful,funny,and a fun person to be around. They're going to love you I swear. Not to mention you're the best dancer I know."
* an hour goes by and we are next in line to meet the Lopez brothers*
"Oh my god we're next" I say under my breath while I shuffle my feet around from nervousness.
"You're next and you're going to be just fine. I'll be right behind you once you finish taking a picture pres." Teal always knew how to make me feel better in situations like this.
"Okay you're good to go inside now" said someone from the brothers team. I take a deep breath and walk inside and as soon as I looked up I locked eyes with tony Lopez and my heart melted.
"Hi! Thank you so much for coming. What's your name?" Ondreaz said as he walked up to me to give me a hug.
"Hi I'm Presley. Y'all are so amazing and I wish I could be as good as a dancer as you both." I say as tony walks over to me.
"Hi I'm tony. It's so nice meeting you. I have those same pants too." Tony said while he gave me a hug,and wow he smelt amazing.
"Tony obviously she knows you have those same pants. All three of us are wearing the same pants." Ondreaz said while laughing and gently pushing tony's shoulder.
"It's okay. Can we take a picture please?" I said while laughing and looking at the boys.
"Yes please" tony blurted out as soon as I finished the sentence. I stepped in between the two and we all posed different. Tony had his arm around my hips while Ondreaz had his arm around my shoulders.
"Wait my best friend is in line behind me can she come in and take a pic too?" I asked. Both the boys agreed and the team worker brought in teal.
The boys introduced themselves and the whole time tony and I would catch each other staring at each other. We took a picture it was Ondreaz,teal,me,and tony next to me. After the picture we hugged them bye and walked out.
"I really hope you're going to dm tony. That man sure had eyes for you" teal explained as I started to laugh.
"There is no way. He was just being friendly that's all." I said to her as we got inside the car.

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