After the meet and greet

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The boys POV: "Well that was a successful meet and greet" tony said with the biggest smile on his face.
"Ya I agree,but on another note. Are you dumb or what." Ondreaz said to tony while getting in the car.
"What are you talk about" asked tony while he started searching for the name "Presley" on insta.
"I hAvE ThE sAMe PaNtS tOo" Ondreaz mocked as tony's face got red from embarrassment. "Shut up. Idk why I said that. I don't like her or anything. I just guess I was nervous."
"Bullshit tony. If you didn't like her you wouldn't be looking through the accounts that have the name "Presley" on Instagram." Ondreaz said driving away.
"Oh my god she followed me. Wait I've seen her account comment on my posts before. Why would she unfollow then follow me back" tony asked confused.
"Because she wants you to notice her and follow her back that's why" Ondreaz said while reaching over grabbing tony's phone while pressing the follow back button.
~preslie POV~
"Oh my god he just followed me back teal."
"See I told you. That was quick too. Pres please dm him. It was so obvious he liked you."
"No.ill look so du- omg teal he dmed me. What do I do??"
"We'll obviously read it aloud" teal said while giggling
"Hey I'm sorry about being weird early. I guess I was just nervous." I read aloud.
I texted him back telling him it was okay and I Gave him my Snapchat and number. Once we got back to the apartment he asked to ft me. I agreed to ft tony. As soon as it started to ring he picked up. Him and Ondreaz were both chilling. The FaceTime call consisted of drea teasing tony by going "hey isn't that the girl you thought was cute at the meet and greet", them making tik toks,drea going live on insta,and a bunch of laughs. After about 4 hours of FaceTime I got sleepy and told tony goodnight. Drea left after about the first couple hours of ft to go and play video games. Tony and I talked after that just getting to know each other. After we hung up I went to sleep. When I woke up the next morning the first thing I did was text tony back,and we talked all day long. We ft again that night and he asked me to hang out.
"Great I'll pick you up on Saturday at 8" tony said smiling
"Great I can't wait" I told tony. Drea was in the room next to tony,and teal was in the room next to me. They both busted in tony and my doors at the same time saying "it's about damn time y'all go out." All four of us started laughing.

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