"He and my friend would definitely get along." Taehyung giggles to himself.

A moment of slightly awkward silence settles between them before Taehyung breaks it.

"So, what are you doing for fun in this amazing party?" He air quotes 'amazing' as he speaks.

Yoongi laughs at that. "I was reading this book, but to be honest, it's total crap. I was almost contemplating going back inside."

"God no. Trust me, you wouldn't wanna do that."

"Do you have any suggestions then?" Yoongi questions.

Taehyung hums as he thinks. It's been a long time since he's been to a party and, apart from truth or dare, he can't remember any other party activities.

"To be honest, i have no idea whatsoever about what we could do. I didn't think that far ahead when i decided to leave the house."

"Fair enough." Yoongi accepts. "Maybe we could look something up?"

"Good call." Taehyung praises as he fishes his phone out of his pocket to search something up.

He comes across a game called twenty one questions. The game consists essentially of asking each other 21 questions so you can get to know each other better. Sounds like a good game to play with a stranger. There were many different questions, some very weird, as examples online, to help you come up with ideas.

"What about 21 questions?" Taehyung looks at Yoongi, who frowns.

"The one where we ask each other 21 random questions?"

"Yep." Taehyung answers. "You up for it?"

Yoongi shrugs his shoulders. "Sure, why not."

"Great!" Tae beams. He's excited to do something after having been alone for so long inside that house. "Okay, I'll start." He straightens himself.

"How old are you?" Taehyung asks.

Yoongi turns to the side so he can look at Taehyung better. "Wasn't expecting such a boring question from you."

"Hey! I'm just starting out. I need to know the basics first, I only know your name."

Yoongi glares, skeptical. "Fair enough." He gives in. "I'm 25. And you?"

Taehyung raises a brow at him. "Thought you found the question boring?"

"It is boring. But you made a good point." Taehyung smiles triumphant, Yoongi rolls his eyes at that. "Just answer."

"I'm younger than you. I'm 23." He finally replies.

"Hm, i'm your hyung then." Yoongi wonders.

"Are you spending another question on that? It isn't even your turn." Taehyung grins, to which the older glares.

"It wasn't a question, it was a statement." He explains. "Okay. Go on."

Taehyung rests his head on his hands as he thinks of what to ask next. One of the questions he saw on google pops up in his mind.

"Ah! If you had a time machine, would you go back in time or visit the future?" Taehyung asks curiously.

The older takes a minute to think about it. He doesn't seem completely sure when he starts to answer.

"I think I'd visit the future. I could get the lottery numbers and become rich in the present. It would help me a lot."

Taehyung hums in response. "I think i'd rather go back in time. I wouldn't change anything, but I'd love to meet artists like Monet or Van Gogh. I'd ask for some painting tips and buy some of Van Gogh's older stuff. I feel bad for him." He looks to the side, a little ashamed, as he mumbles. "Maybe I could sell it nowadays. I could use some money right now too."

Twenty One Questions | Taegi [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now