Chapter 2

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Taehyung hears low grunts coming from the right side of the bed. He watches as the sun rays, escaping from the curtains breaches, softly illuminate Jimin's face while he turns in the sheets.

"Good morning princess." Taehyung teases the older.

"Tae? What are you doing in my bed?" Jimin snaps his head a little too fast when he recognizes his friends deep morning voice greeting him. "Oh God, my head hurts." He complains while taking two fingers to massage his temple.

Taehyung looks down at his friend, a fake expression of bitterness taking over his face.

"Well, I was afraid your drunk ass would choke on your own vomit while you slept. So, being the amazing best friend I am, I spent the night in your filthy bed."

"Hey!" Jimin exclaims. "My bed's not filthy, I changed the sheets last week." He mumbles the last part.

"Yeah, right. As if you hadn't eaten in bed all weekend. There are literal crumbs of food here." Taehyung manages to fake a look of disgust.

In all honesty, his bed was pretty clean, and he didn't mind taking care of the blonde, but Taehyung was still salty about Jimin interrupting his and Yoongi's conversation last night. He was actually having a good time at a party for the first time. Yet Jimin had to get extra drunk specifically that night and ruin their game.

"No there aren't." The blonde reasons. He pauses for a second to think. "Are you upset that I made you go home early? I'm sorry, but I don't really recall what happened by the end of the party. I think was pretty wasted."

"Oh, you sure were." Taehyung crosses his arms. "You came up to me while almost falling on your feet, interrupted me mid sentence while I was talking to someone else, almost sat on top of me and even turned to the stranger I was talking to and asked in the flirtiest and tackiest way possible, and i quote, 'Well hello there. Who's this hottie over here? Are you single?' "

Jimin scrunches his eyebrows at that. He seems to be recalling some of last nights memories. "Wait! Oh my god, I totally interrupted your booty call, didn't I?" He smiles big. The tables seem to have turned.

"He was not a booty call. We were just playing a game." Taehyung's lips form a slight pout as he speaks lowly.

"A sexu-" Jimin starts but the younger cuts him off.

"It was not a sexual game. We were just bored, so we were asking random questions to get to know each other." He quickly explains.

Jimin looks skeptically at his friend, slowly raising his body to sit on the bed. He looks like a mess. Taehyung is glad he didn't get drunk himself. He would be feeling awful right now if he had drunk as much as Jimin did. He has honestly no idea how Jimin doesn't feel worse right now.

"Did you at least get his number?" Jimin asks in a more serious tone.

Taehyung gives him a side look, before looking ahead. He doesn't want to be facing the younger when he speaks. He knows what his reaction will be like.

"Yeah. He suggested we meet up to finish the game." He mumbles.

Jimin's hands fly to Taehyung's shoulders.

"Oh my god, he's totally into you! My Taehyungie is finally going on a date!" He shakes the younger excitedly.

Taehyung's hands rest on top of Jimin's, preventing him from shaking him further. He was still scared Jimin would puke at some point. Although he was the one actually being shaken, not Jimin, Taehyung was still afraid Jimin was going to get sick if he moved at all. With how drunk he seemed to be the night before, Taehyung was really expecting a little bit more of a hangover from him.

Twenty One Questions | Taegi [COMPLETED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें