When you fight back

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After yesterday, you were given a job as one of the hotel staff. You would greet people as they come into the hotel. Though, you had to go get some uniforms. So today, you and Alastor went to the clothes store to get some uniforms for the staff.

You were looking in the adult women's section and spotted a red button down uniform with a matching hat. "Yes." You said as you put your hand on it but someone else put there hand on it as well. You looked to see a demon girl with ponytails. She was also wearing a huge dress. "Um excuse me but I put my hand in it first."

"Uh, but I saw it first." She said in a snappy attitude. "Well, I need this for my job."

"And I need this for a photo shoot."

"I'm pretty sure they'd other outfits here."

"Coming from a reindeer like you, the outfits would probably make a home for your antlers." She replied with a smirk. You weren't gonna let her win this one.

You yanked the uniform out of her hand and went up to her face. "Look miss pigtail!"


"I came all the way here, saved every last penny to get this outfit! This thing cost 75 bucks and I'm not about to save another 75 cause it took me too long. So why don't you ask the store manager to get you one. You seem pretty famous around here. No trouble asking." You gave the demon a hard glare as the girl backed away. "Okay okay Jeez." She replied as she walked away.

You sighed and grabbed the hat of the uniform. "A wonderful show darling!" You jumped as you turned around to see Alastor. "Hey baby."

"Oh darling what a performance. You were fantastic out there, just fantastic." He said as he wiggles your cheeks. You giggled and went to the cashier to pay for the clothes.


Once you had the clothes, you wanted to show Charlie so she could see what she thinks. "I hope she likes them." You said to yourself as Alastor opened the door. "Hey guys-WHAT THE FUCK!?" You yelled at you noticed the entire hotel was trashed.

Niffty was holding Fat Nuggets and Henry why Husk and (H/g) looked like they were having a...disagreement. Even Alastor's eyes went wide for a moment. "What happened here?" You asked as you looked to see (A/g) facepalm. "I believe someone would care to explain?" Alastor asked.

Greetings darling (Alastor x reader)Where stories live. Discover now