Forgive and Forget

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It's been a couple of days since Vox's encounter with me and the twins being stolen, but to be fair, my mind was racing. I love Alastor. To no end. But when I danced with Vox? I I don't know why I felt that. I wish I didn't wanna tell Alastor, but he had to know. It was the least I could do.

So, I sat in my hotel room waiting for Alastor to come in. I asked him if he wanted to talk to me and he simply nodded. I'm hoping onto my feet because I'm that nervous as some tears threaten to fall down on my face. But then, I heard the door opening and there he was. Standing there with his staff in his hand, was Alastor. The radio demon.

I gulped down my fear as he entered my room. "Is there something you would like to discuss with me dear?" he asked with so much concern I almost didn't wanna tell him. But I had to. Whether I liked it or not. "Alastor...I have to tell you something."

So I told him. I told him everything. To the point where everyone found me from Vox. And when I regained my memories. When I was finished, I waited for him to scream. Shout. Yell at me. Do something.

Instead, Alastor simply rubbed his hand onto my cheek like a mother comforting her child. "My dear, it's alright. I missed you." He said with his usual demon smile. I couldn't help but smile back I him. "I missed you too Alastor." I replied as I went for a hug. But there was no hug because he then split himself apart in two and came back together after I fell to the floor. "HEY!" I shouted in anger as Alastor laughed at my clumsiness. "Nothing personal dear. I wanted to do that for a while now."

I only pouted and got up from the floor. That's when one of Alastor's demons helped me up and smiled at me like he did. "Can I get a real hug now?" I asked this time as Alastor nodded. I burst into a hug as he laughed and hugged me back. "You must talk to your friend (H/g) about this nonsense. I believe a woman like her was concerned for you is all."

Oh my saint, (H/g)! I completely forgot about that. I hope I didn't hurt her feelings when I left like that. "Alastor, I have to-" Before I could finish my sentence, I earned a kissed from the radio demon himself. "Go my dear." He said as I walked out of the room to find (H/g).

Greetings darling (Alastor x reader)Where stories live. Discover now