Tuesday Night

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you slowly get out of the car, with your head down as jaden insisted. Jaden wraps his arm around you, as your looking down. you both walk through the doors, to the hotel being very quiet.
Jaden whispers to you
Jh: go sit over in the waiting room
J: okay
you whisper back.
You see jaden talking to the hotel clerk.
u look behind you, to see a bulletin board, with missing posters on it.
u notice, that you're on it.
your eyes start to water
you feel a tap on your shoulder, and you turn around to see jaden.
Jh: what you looking at?
you turn back to the board
J: LOOK, im on it
u whisper quietly
Jh: you're gonna stay on it.
you're shocked with what he said
Jh: come on, let's go before u get noticed.
you look at the hotel clerk, reading a book, as jaden is holding onto your arm, pulling you.
you both make it to the hotel room to see that there is only one bed, as jaden said, earlier.

Jh: are you okay?
J: im fine.. you just scare me sometimes.
he shrugs
J: really? that's all you gotta say?
Jh: what else do you want me to do?
Jh: i kidnapped you jess
J: you kidnapped me because im "pretty"
you quote
Jh: you are
he smiles
you blush, but look away to hide it.
J: NO I am not, you hurt me , YOUR friends or sidekicks, whatever they are, HURT ME.
Jh: im sorry. you don't understand-
you cut him off.
jaden sits there guilty
you burst into tears, and run into the bathroom, and lock it.

you hear Jaden's hand touch the door.
and you just sit up against the wall quietly.
you feel something in Jaden's sweatshirt, you take it out, and find a blade.
your expression turns to shock, and u start crying even more.
you look at your wrist, then the blade.

WARNING: if cutting is something that bothers you, please skip this paragraph. <3

START: you take the blade, and immediately start cutting your wrists, and u realize that it's calming you down but it hurts.
you cut once for Jaden
then u cut twice for bryce
then u cut three times for josh.
and then u cut four times for your family
you feel a little dizzy, but it doesn't bother you.
you put the blade down, and there's blood everywhere over the white tiles in the bathroom.
your wrist is stinging in pain. END

you hear Jaden at the bathroom door.
Jh: look im sorry, for everything. i just got off the phone with bryce, and he wants to talk it out in person.
Jh: let me explain everything please
J: no
Jh: YES jess, PLEASE
Jh: i love you
your eyes start to water again.
you whisper i love you too, but so he can't hear you.
J: please leave me alone
you say as you look at the blood everywhere on the bathroom floor.
Jh: no unlock it or ill find a way in myself.
J: NO jaden u don't wanna do that.
Jh: YES I do.
J: you sit there not wanting to move, as your holding your wrist in your other hand.
you hear the door, being picked at.
J: JADEN, what are you doing?
Jh: getting in myself
you say, as the door opens and he sees you laying there, all cut up, with blood everywhere.
he sits there in shock, and his eyes start to water.
he quickly picks you up, and sets u down in the rooms chair.
u start to cry, as you see him rushing around in the room, looking for something.
you can tell he's crying.
Jh: WHY would you do that??
he cuts you off
he starts to cry even more, as he rushes through his suit case.
he pulls out bandages, and GOES to the night stand to get paper towels.
he rushes to the bathroom, and wets the paper towel.
he rushes back to you, and wipes off the blood off your arm
he looks into your eyes, as he's crying.
Jh: DONT EVER do that AGAIN jess
you feel bad, u made him cry. he has a nice side.
J: im sorry, i found it in your sweatshirt.
Jh: where did u put it?
he says, as he's putting pressure on your arm to stop the bleeding.
you use your other hand to grab it back out of the sweatshirt.
he roughly grabs it out of your hand, and throws it across the room.
J: im sorry jaden, i couldn't help myself.
the bleeding seemed to have stopped as he takes his hand away and quickly checks.
Jh: Take a shower.
J: what about the bathroom floor?
Jh: Take a shower first, and ill clean it up.
Jh: ill get your clothes out. well my clothes.
J: okay
you say as you giggle at him, still crying.
he smiles, and you get up to go into the bathroom and shower.

skip the shower part.

you get out of the shower grabbing the towel, you dry off, and head out as you see jaden sitting on the bed, and he points to the clothes he picked out for you to wear.
you grab them slowly, and turn around to jaden.
J: im sorry J
Jh: DONT be.
you look down in guilt
you grab his clothes, and rush into the bathroom on the bathroom rug, where there was no blood. you change into them, and you smile.
J: im done jaden, you say as you walk out of the bathroom.
Jh: okay, sweety, get some rest, and ill meet you in the bed, after im done cleaning.
J: okay J
you smile at him.
you slowly get into the bed, and cover up, and turn to your side waiting patiently.

15 minutes later

you're still waiting, as you hear him come out of the bathroom, throwing things into the trash. he washes his hands, and takes his shirt off, and hops into the bed with you.
J: hi
Jh: hi Jess
J: did u have fun?
Jh: totally
you laugh, and jaden shuts the light off.
J: Jaden, what are we gonna do tomorrow?
Jh: were going to the house, tomorrow.. Bryce wants to talk in person.
J: what if he hurts you or I.
Jh: he won't jess, he's like a brother to me. i promise.
J: okay.
you smile
Jh: none of them will hurt you. trust me, just stay by my side at all costs.
J: okay, j
J: i will
you turn over to him, and see him turned over facing the other direction.
he then turns over and his expression looked shocked to see u facing him.
you giggle
J: hi
Jh: come here
he says, as he has his arms open.
you just stare at him shyly.
Jh: dont he shy jess, come here
he giggles as he pulls you into his arms, and you both cuddle.
you then both fall asleep.

thank you for reading this chapter, sorry it's been Tuesday for like these past three chapters, but expect a change in the next chapter. <3 ALSO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1K reads, like wtf.
let me know your thoughts on this chapter:)

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