The disappearance of Gianna Douglas

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Hello guys I'm finally back continuing this story! Thank you all so much for the support, It is insane! ♡︎

Friday Morning ☀︎︎

You start making food in the kitchen and happen to glance over at Jaden noticing he has his head down leaning up against the chair while looking at the floor.
J: "Are you okay J"
You say in a sad tone
Jh: "I'm alright baby, Don't worry about me just please finish breakfast, I'm STARVING"
He smiles at you
J: "Are you sure or are you bothered because Mads kept calling you?"
Jh: "I'm okay"
He smiles again
You smile back at him and continue cooking eggs in the frying pan
Bryce walks in and immediately knows something is up with Jaden, Bryce leans over to you and whispers
B: Is Jaden okay?
You both glance at Jaden tipping his head back as if he is aggravated about something
J: "I asked if he was and he said he was okay"
B: "Oh well, Let me know if he causes you any problems"
J: "Okay"
Bryce walks away grabbing an apple from the fruit basket on the kitchen island
Jaden then walks over to you asking if breakfast was done
Jh: "Is breakfast almost done?"
J: "Almost baby"
You giggle. As he starts to walk away you lift your hand from the frying pan then grip onto Jaden's arm!
J: "Hey, Are you sure you're okay?"
Jh: "Just hungry that's all"
J: "Okay"
You both smile as he walks away. He pulls out a chair at the island, while he slowly runs his hand through his hair.
You step on your tippy toes trying to reach a plate in the kitchen cabinet and you feel as if Jaden is watching you
You hear a slight giggle
Jh: "Need help with that sweety"
J: "Kinda"
You laugh.
He slowly gets up then walks over to where you stand and gets the plate without a problem
Jh: "Easy peasy"
He smirks. You start to walk over to the frying pain when suddenly Jaden slaps your ass out of nowhere
You look back at him and he winks at you then goes back to his seat, you giggle.
You start finishing up his breakfast and walk over to him
You set down the plate and say
J: "Here is your breakfast daddy, Anything else?" 
He groans
Jh: "No thank you baby but thank you"
You leave the room as you feel he has his eyes on you

You go back to the living room noticing Bryce is no where to be found, You turn on the Tv and the news comes on.
News: 16 year old "Gianna Douglas" has been missing for 3 days, Parents are absolutely stunned about this and are offering a reward of $5000 for whoever finds her.
You all of a sudden start to feel sick about this
J: "Jaden come in here!"
You yell
He slowly walks in
Jh: "Breakfast was good baby"
He hops over the couch and plops down next to you immediately putting his eyes on the Tv.
Jh: "You don't think I have anything to do with this, right"
J: "Well you and your friends kidnapped me so yeah I kinda have a right to have
Jh: "I do not have anything to do with this girls disappearance Jess"
J: "Okay"
You slightly smile and turn the channel to another news channel, The same thing comes up
Jaden looks over to you as you're watching it very eagerly, Jaden takes the remote from you
Jh: "Let's watch Netflix"

To be continued..

Thank you guys for reading!
I hope you guys genuinely like the plot of this story!
:) ♡︎ goodnight everybody!

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