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It was rainy day on 101 Dalmatian Street, rainy and boring day. Day without going to park or even garden made pups really bored. Most of them were trying to have some fun by playing hide and seek or something like that, but not Dolly.

Dolly was bored to that point, that she didn't want to do anything. She had no power to play or to do anything. She was just lying in the living room and watching like Dylan was vacuuming the floor.

It was really helpful for Dylan that Dolly was lying without doing any mess, but on the other paw he wanted her to help him.

Dylan: Don't overwork yourself sis- he said with irony.

Dolly: It's ok Dylan, I'm good.

Dylan was a little annoyed by Dolly, he knew that she was teasing him.

Dylan: I'm serious Dolly. I know that you are bored so you can help, you don't have anything else to do.

Dolly raised her head and looked at Dylan- I want rather to be bored than to do chores.

Dylan knew that asking for help was pointless so he decided to just continue his job.

After some minutes work was done and Dylan remembered about something. He came to Dolly and asked- Can I borrow your skateboard for a minute?

Dolly: My skateboard? Why?

Dylan: I need to move my collection of books about mars to my treehouse. Without skateboard it will take me whole day but with it, I could do it in few minutes.

Dolly thought that lot of books could broke her skateboard so she was afraid.

Dylan: Please Dolly.

Dolly: Ok, but be careful.

Dylan: I'm always careful- he said happily and started putting books on skateboard. After a while he started to push his collection to the treehouse but while he was going through living room, he stumbled over a chew toy.

After losing balance Dylan felt on vacuum cleaner which was near him and all his books felt apart on all the floor.

Dolly saw everything and immediately came to Dylan.

Dolly: Are you ok bro?

Dylan: I think yes.

Dolly was happy that Dylan didn't hurt himself but she remembered about her board. She came to it and smailed, her board was in one piece. She took it and came to Dylan again to help him get up but she heard her mother.

Delilah: What on dog is going on here!?- she was afraid becouse she heard a loud noise. She saw Dylan and came to him.

Delilah: Are you ok honey?

Doug came in and said before Dylan answered- Were you riding on your board here Dolly?

Dolly was surprised about that question. The situation actually looked like Dolly did all that mess, but she knew she was innocent.

Dolly: No, I was...

Delilah: Dolly Dalmatian! We have told you not to ride in house thousands times!

Doug: Why can't you just listennto us one time?!- both Doug and Delilah were furious at Dolly.

Dolly: It wasn't me- she was trying to defense. She was scared becouse her parents were anger than anytime before.

Dolly didn't knew what to do, she was in panic. In desperation she looked at her brother, trying to show him that she need help.

Dylan knew that all that situation was big mistake and he had to tell his parents that it wasn't Dolly's foult.

Dylan: Mum, dad it wasn't...

Doug: We will talk later son.

Dylan: But...

Delilah: Why you couldn't be like your brother?! Why you couldn't do something in the house or just not destroy everything around you?!

It was very painful for Dolly to hear that, she always wanted to earn Delilah's love but she was always feeling that her mum loves Dylan more. That words made Dolly feel like worse child, it was terrible for her.

Dolly looked sadly on her dad and said, wanting him to help her- Dad?

Doug saw his daughter and hesitated for a second but finally he said- Your mother is right.

Tears appeared in Dolly's eyes. She thought that even her own father loves Dylan more. She knew that Dylan was more helpful child but she was always trying not to be worse, but at that moment she felt like the worst pup in the family.

After a while her sadness changed into anger. She was being punishing for Dylan's mistake. Dolly held tears and shouted- Why do you think it was me?!

Delilah: Becouse you are...

Dolly: FINE! You can punish me for every bad thing on this planet!

Doug: Dolly it's not like that.

Dolly: IT IS!- she shouted and ran upstairs.

Delilah wanted to go after her but Doug stopped her- We should give her some time.

Delilah: You are right.

Doug and Delilah decided to wait but Dylan was feeling guilty. He knew that Dolly didn't deserve everything what happend. He decided to talk to her.

Dolly already ran on the top floor to the attic. Lots of feelings were in her, bad feelings. Anger was mixed with sadness and jealousy about Dylan.

She started to talk to herself- Yes! It's always my foult! I'm always guilty!

She hit a random carton which fell on the floor.

Dolly: But Dylan is always innocent! Dylan is always better than me! He is always perfect!

She came to the window to see her siblings playing in the garden. She shouted to them, knowing that they couldn't hear her- But you know what!? Dylan is only an idiot! He is always acting the best dog in the world but he is only helpless jerk! He is just stupid, boring, annoying and overweening fool!

Dolly hit another box and destroyed it.

Dolly: I never wanted to have so treacherous idiot as a brother!

She was brathing heavily trying to catch breath. All her shouts and moves made in anger made her exhausted. She was trying to calm down but she heard someone behind her. She turned back to see her brother, Dylan.

Dylan said with tears in his eyes: It hurts.

Against everyone (101 Dalmatian Street)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon