You've got know when to hold 'em

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Johnny went to class and still some how managed to get in trouble. His teacher said it was because he was late. Johnny has other reasonings. But what ever it was for Johnny had lunch detention. I was called up to the office at lunch to find my dad waiting. "We're going come on." Was all he said.

"Why I can drive myself home." I told him.

"We aren't going home." He said. "Just get in the car." He told me some what angry. I sat down in the front seat of the cop car.

"Where are we going?" I asked giving a fair amount of attitude. All I could think was he had given me a day with Johnny's record and now he wanted to talk about it on his terms.

"There was a fight between a boy and Frankie. I thought you said he would be fine." He said.

"He was he hasn't hit another kid in over a week." I told him.

"And that is acceptable. Lord I hope Johnny had not rubbed off on the other boys like that." He said.

"How does Frankie's anger problems relate back to Johnny. Frankie has always had a short fuse. What are you going to blame him for next world hunger!" I yelled.

He mumbled something like. "One less mouth." I rolled my eyes.

"Real mature." The rest of the car ride was quite. Dad stared out the windshield and I glared at everything that quickly passed my window.

Once we got to the school I got out and signed my self into see Frankie. I did not wait for my dad to get out of the car. I was not in the mood to talk to him. I sat down across from Frankie and the principal. "We called your father." She told me.

"I know I just got here first my school is just down the road can we talk my lunch is almost up and I would like to get back before fifth period starts." I told her I know that my attitude was not going to end well in this situation but I could not seem to help my self.

"I understand that you were the one to handle it last time." She said.

"I talked to the front desk the kid who got hit last time nothing happened to him so if you won't do anything why should I." I shot back this so setting a really bad example but I could not hide my misplaced rage.

"Miss Wilkins I did call your father to talk about your brothers problem with the other students." She said shifting in her chair.

"His problem is with the other students that are picking on him but I only see you disciplining him so punching your bully is against the rules but bullying is fine?" I asked.

"Sadie we are not here to question the principal." I turned to see my dad.

"I'm not saying that I disagree that Frank's behavior is wrong but so is the way the other boy has been acting and not punishing him is just like saying it is okay. I have been talking to Frankie and he knows that it's wrong so why has no one been talking to the other boy? Because for Frankie's actions to stop I think that something has to happen with the other boy." I told her. My small rant was cut short because of my father.

"Frankie go back to class Sadie head to school and the principal and I will talk this over." He said as I finished.

"Come on Frank." I told him as I got up. When we stepped out side of the office Frankie asked.

"Am I in trouble?" He asked.

"For hitting the other kid yes because you should not have. But at the same time I'm not mad I'm just saying you can't hit him first." I told him.

"How do I do that?" He asked.

"I never said this but if he hits you first it is self defense. I never want to see you throw the first punch again but you can definitely be the one to throw the last. If you do that I will stand by you every time but I can't if you throw first anymore." I walked him over to his class and told him I would pick him up after school.

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