Records 10

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I sat down at my desk and pulled out the packet of paper. The offenses were listed by date newest to oldest.

I had become so enveloped in reading what was in the envelope. That I lost track of time. I heard a nock at the door. The boys let them selfs in. "Sadie were going to be late." I glanced at the clock. It was six thirty. Crud I have to get the boys to school by seven thirty as well as my self. I put the papers back in the envelope.

"Okay go get dress I will make you guys breakfast." I said leading them to their room I poored cereal into three bowls. I made them lunch and when they came down I pored their milk into their bowls. "Okay you guy eat and I am going to get dressed."

By the time I got the boys to school it was seven thirty on the dot. When I got to my own school it was seven forty. I parked and went to the front office. I got my pass to class I was so late. As I walked in and took my seat Eliot looked at me strange I was never late.

At lunch I saw Sidney. "Hey look who it is." She laughed.

"Hi." I said to her as I walked up to her.

"Did you get Johnny's text that he's out." I shook my head searching for my phone.

"Ugh today is not a good day." I said as I realized that I left my phone at home.

"Here." She said handing me her phone opened to hers and Johnny's texts.

Johnny:free at last.

That was Johnny. I laughed. "Ya he's a dork." Said Sidney.

Me:good to hear. -Sadie

Johnny:Sadie what?

Just as I read that the bell rang. I handed Sidney her phone. "I'll have to talk to him after school." I had been late the whole day.

I was late to my sixth period so my teacher asked me to stay after and asked me why. That made me late to pick up the boys. When I got to their school Kai told me he had tried to call me I told him my phone was at home. I felt so weird I was off all day. When I got home I made the boys dinner. We watched TV. There was a nock on the door. "Go get ready for bed." I told the boys. They went up stairs as I went to open the door. I looked through the peep hole and saw Johnny. When I opened the door Johnny pulled he close to him.

"So what is this I can't answer your messages for a while so, you ignore me all day hu?" He laughed looking down at me.

"I left my phone at home. You should be more careful my dad could have been the one to answer the door." I told him.

"I happen to know that officer Wilkins is still at the station." He said pulling me into the house. I closed the door.

"Ya that is good news for you?" I laughed. He pushed me against the closest wall.

"Are the boys in bed?" He asked.

"Sadie I can't find my pajamas." Yelled down Frankie. I laughed as Johnny backed up.

"Not exactly." I said. He ushered me up stairs. "Okay buddy where did you leave them?" I asked.

"I think I left them on my bed." He said. "Johnny!" He screamed as he turned around. Tommy and Frankie ran up to hug Johnny. Kai seemed distant.

"Hey big guy." Johnny said to Kai.

"Hey." Kai said and crawled in bed. Johnny looked at me like what did I do. I shrugged.

"Here bud lets find them tomorrow you can wear these." I said taking out his blue pajamas. He hopped into them and I put all three boys to bed.

When I left their room I realized I did not know where Johnny was. "Disney?" I asked. I closed my bedroom door today. I walked over to see Johnny had found his record at my desk.

"Why do you have a copy of my record?" Johnny asked like it hurt him that I had it. He turned to me his face looked like his voice sounded.

"I found it under my door. I told my dad that you and I had been hanging out and I found it the next morning." I told him.

"I really did not want you seeing it." He said. I walked over after he turned back to face my desk. I wrapped my arms around his chest.

"To be honest half of these things my dad already told me about." I said against his neck. He hung his head like it shamed him that I knew some of the thing he had done. "Hey." I turned the chair around. "I understand that you don't want me to know but I do and I don't care." I told him kneeling in front of him.

"You did not get all the way through it did you?" He asked. I shook my head. He pulled me up and sat me down in his lap. He turned back to my desk and flipped to the last page. "My first offense." He said pointing at the one word I never thought I would see.

"Rape?" I asked suddenly frozen.

"I went to a party took a girl home she told every one I did it but I didn't. I woke up and she was covered in throw up I changed her into one of my shirts. That's all that happened but because she accused me it is permanently part of my record." He said his face pressed against my shoulder. "I have never even had sex." He said.

That really shocked me. I didn't think Johnny was the scum of the earth like my dad did but I did not think he was a virgin. Girls all over school had claimed to have had sex with Johnny Disney. It was like a right of passage for varsity cheer.

Johnny left once we both came out of the hayes his confession had thrown us into. He told me he would see me tomorrow. I went to bed and couldn't help but be some what freaked out.

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